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Featured image for “Stories from Nejapa”
April 27, 2015

Stories from Nejapa

by Kathleen Van Tol
…s something beautiful about having a room full of children stand up and welcome you and ask God to bless you. After looking at the work that Maria was completing with her partner and touching base with her teacher, I moved on to another classroom. At recess, though, I saw Maria again. She came up to me, two friends in tow. One of her friends is American and Maria wanted her to come and speak to me in English. I chatted with this young girl for a f…
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Featured image for “Deep Faith: A Review of <em>Early North African Christianity</em> ”
March 22, 2022

Deep Faith: A Review of Early North African Christianity 

by David Moser
…same.   “As Eastman reminds us, ancient African Christians are part of the communion of saints, those who are ‘in Christ.’” Part four examines the Donatist Controversy, one of the worst schisms of the ancient church. As many bishops and pastors handed over their books to the Romans to avoid persecution, their legitimacy to administer the sacraments and preach was called into question. The Donatists held that bishops and pastors who handed the book…
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Featured image for “Life as a Writer”
July 5, 2016

Life as a Writer

by Kendra Broekhuis
…latforms who are already selling loads of books. You hear women talk about comparing themselves to each other and competing with each other through their work as wives, or as moms, or as Jesus People. And this is where it is easy for me to get entrapped in that game too. I follow other writers on social media to learn from them professionally, but it can be hard to remember my goal is not to become them or to duplicate their journey of faith. Ther…
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Featured image for “Sabbath, Sleep and Saying ‘No’ to Busy-ness”
December 10, 2015

Sabbath, Sleep and Saying ‘No’ to Busy-ness

by Emily Munger
…ompassion, yes, but never the burden of guilt. In Matthew 11: 28-30, Jesus frees us from the burdens we place upon ourselves and others: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” So if you’re up for the challenge of holding Jesus’ truth against the many wa…
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Featured image for “Top 25 Most Influential Books Read in 2014”
December 12, 2014

Top 25 Most Influential Books Read in 2014

by Meagan De Graaf
…ion to Mason’s. When I saw “The Bible” in the list, I thought someone felt compelled to include it. Like every influence on a good Christian has to come second to “Jesus and the Bible,” as we used to say as kids. (Always a safe answer.) Maybe it’s the short synopsis here that is confusing. Was it intended as humor? I could see that. Shortest book description, but this one is about your salvation and God’s plan for everything. That ‘s what comes in…
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Featured image for “Finding Wonder Woman”
January 21, 2017

Finding Wonder Woman

by Eliza Cortes Bast
…ttitude. This Sunday, one of our teaching pastors talked about Jesus being completely free from fear. Jesus would echo Psalm 27:3 when he tells the storm to calm down. When he walks through a murderous mob. When he willfully went to the cross. The measured steps of a fearless man. What do he and Wonder Woman know that I have forgotten? What’s the secret? The writer of Psalm 27 spends the next few verses talking about what it’s like to dwell with G…
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Featured image for “La La Land: A Musical For Everyone”
February 22, 2017

La La Land: A Musical For Everyone

by Marta Vander Top
…f you’re not a self-proclaimed musical lover, this film as a story that is compelling for anyone to grasp onto. We all are searching for answers to which only love can give answers, and it doesn’t have to be romantic love. We are all looking for a place to belong, and sometimes that feels so far away and distant, we’re dreaming of a fairy tale … we’re living in la la land. I think that Chazelle’s answer is that love and dreams can be achieved by a…
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Featured image for ““A Quiet Place” Review”
May 5, 2018

“A Quiet Place” Review

by Josh Matthews
…has said that this movie is a love-letter to his children. It is also the complex expression of a parent who worries about how his children behave in public, and what kind of adults they will become. Most parents will deeply feel the weight of the movie’s basic question, which is how and why we try to keep our kids quiet in stores, on planes, in church, in classrooms, and anywhere else we receive bad looks and scorn if our children are too loud f…
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Featured image for “The Road of Faith”
January 2, 2017

The Road of Faith

by Jamin Hübner
…at the pesky Gentile woman bests the Son of God in conversation amidst his companions—and Jesus declares her faith “great” (Mt 15:27; Mk 7:28). Thus, we remember that Jesus came not to call the healthy but the sick (Mt 9:12; Lk 5:31), and that God’s grace is truly free and inevitably contains some unpredictability. You can be the greatest of all “flaming pagans” and the most passive of “nominal Christians,” but you are still only one step away fro…
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Featured image for “Gratitude List”
November 28, 2016

Gratitude List

by Marta Vander Top
…, sometimes they are big things and sometimes they are small things. A few examples are: #47 – Yoga with my roommate #158 – Fireflies at Inspiration Hills #346 – Time alone in the worship arts room #472 – My little sister’s laugh #762 – Coffee at the Fruited Plain #848 – Stained glass windows in Dutch cathedrals #1227 – The way the light dances in communion cups #1514 – Praying with my best friend before her wedding #1679 – Mountains #1705 – Subwa…
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Featured image for “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: An Introduction to the Enneagram”
February 8, 2017

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: An Introduction to the Enneagram

by Dawn Berkelaar
…time, but always emerges in childhood. Canadian psychologist David Benner comments, “With a little reflection, most of us can become aware of masks that we first adopted as strategies to avoid feelings of vulnerability but that have become parts of our social self.”4 Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele, authors of The Enneagram Made Easy, state, “The Enneagram teaches that early in life we learned to feel safe and to cope with our family situations…
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Featured image for “Repairing Broken Fellowship in the Church”
June 3, 2021

Repairing Broken Fellowship in the Church

by Joel Kok
…can express them in Christlike ways by living out Paul’s instruction: “Welcome one another, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Rom. 15:7). For Paul and for all members of the body of Christ, unity in the church and the glory of God are a “both-and” that go together. To experience Jesus and to hear Paul in ways that speak directly to conflicts in our own times, we can listen to a fascinating witness named Will D. Campbell, in…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option”
April 4, 2017

iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option

by Scott Culpepper
…f sharing all things in common, a proposal that is definitely not going to come from the pen of a champion of free enterprise like Dreher. If Dreher wants to highlight the positive potential of Christian communities existing alongside mainstream culture, he ignores a multitude of examples from earlier American history. Again, nothing he proposes is new. What he suggests resonates so powerfully with Donald’s memories of growing up in Christian Refo…
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Featured image for “The Prophetic and Black and Pentecostal Voice: A Review of <em>Shoutin’ in the Fire</em>”
October 7, 2021

The Prophetic and Black and Pentecostal Voice: A Review of Shoutin’ in the Fire

by Howard Schaap
…ns and as people look for simple answers, we need to engage the dance, the complexity of voices, to understand the fire, to understand how to survive the fire.” So, I recommend you read Shoutin’ in the Fire at least three times. Once for the voice, a second time for the story, a third time for the ideas.  Then, read it again, for the voice again, the cadences.   Then read the writers he mentions, read Black literature. In times like these, as the…
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Featured image for “Social Media is Politics by Other Means: A Review of <em>LikeWar</em>”
February 19, 2020

Social Media is Politics by Other Means: A Review of LikeWar

by Donald Roth
…’s candid response in a 2013 interview echoes just what the internet has become. It has sparked a revolution by doing what no communications technology could do before: instantly connecting people—not just peer-to-peer, like a phone, or in a one-way conversation, like radio—but in a massive simultaneous world of voice, text, and images that live in our pockets and absorb more of our time than we’d like to admit. In reaching this point, the authors…
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Featured image for “Community Found by Perspective”
April 29, 2016

Community Found by Perspective

by Renee Buikema
…ight not actually be comfortable… …but discomfort produces growth, whereas comfort breeds complacency. Being unable to control a situation and unsure if/where you belong are some of the most uncomfortable feelings we can have; yet, more often than not, they are both inevitable in new situations. For months, this is how I felt. The devil shot lies at me that made it hard to press into relationships because they heightened feelings of insecurity, fe…
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Featured image for “Pause in the Pain”
October 11, 2017

Pause in the Pain

by Edie Lenz
…ch does not rest in our hands. “Stretch out your hand from on high; set me free and rescue me from the mighty waters…” How many have prayed this prayer, awaiting rescue in their flooded homes? How many have prayed desperately for the deliverance of their loved ones in the rubble, in the fires, in the fighting? How many have prayed prayers of desperation, awaiting deliverance, awaiting a miracle? “May there be no breach in the walls, no exile, and…
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Featured image for “How I Chased, Lost, and Found my Dream Job”
April 28, 2016

How I Chased, Lost, and Found my Dream Job

by Chelsey Nugteren
…ployed, unshowered, and underwhelmed. I sat at the kitchen table for hours searching Monster and Indeed, sending my resume out to countless companies. My dad breezed into the kitchen that morning to grab some coffee. “Remember—It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.” I wasn’t thankful for the reminder that sending out my resume to random places was as fruitful as trying to plant flowers in sawdust. But as the door slammed behind my dad on his w…
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Featured image for “Advent: Lamb of God”
December 1, 2014

Advent: Lamb of God

by Lisa Smith
…away the sin of the world!” Ponder this a moment. Think of all the sins we committed as a world. We do not have to worry about those sins that we have committed because Jesus took all of them away, with one payment. We can never do anything to repay him for what he has done. We have a free gift that we do not deserve. We should be elated by this verse: We should find our arm hairs and blood levels rising. We have the freedom to live for God withou…
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Featured image for “Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son”
June 29, 2016

Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son

by Dave Mulder
…victory? Where, O death, is your sting3 ?” Genesis 2:16, 17: “The Lord God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.’” And Genesis 3:19, after Adam and Eve’s sin: “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust y…
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Featured image for “In the Wilderness”
December 3, 2016

In the Wilderness

by Jeff Ploegstra
…er been made a slave or been taken captive. Rather, I willingly give up my freedom in a thousand subtle and not-so-subtle ways. I have chosen to become captivated by worthless things; things that make me feel secure, self-sufficient, accomplished, in control. I exile myself from God. I take refuge in the hills of my vanity. I hide in the valleys of my self-assurance, but there is no manna to be found. “A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness pr…
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Featured image for “Focus on Friendship: A Review of “Why Can’t We Be Friends?””
October 26, 2018

Focus on Friendship: A Review of “Why Can’t We Be Friends?”

by Erin Olson
…hat might be present. Being siblings in Christ, allows us to live fully in community and communion with one another as the Bible calls us to do and to be. Attraction, Byrd states, is not sin, and it is normal even after one is married. While it might be easier to envision a world where we lose our ability to feel attraction to someone other than our spouse, that is unusual and unlikely. Attraction may happen in certain relationships (or not all),…
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Featured image for “More Than Work”
April 30, 2019

More Than Work

by Erik Hoekstra
…ture generations? Arthur Brooks takes note of this in his book The Road to Freedom, where he states “money itself brings little joy to life, but…the free enterprise system brings what all people truly crave: earned success. This is what I believe the Founders meant by the pursuit of happiness.”1 I’m with Brooks on this. Work can bring us happiness—and not for the money. I do believe that experiencing joy from work is part of the creational structu…
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Featured image for “The Diversity Question”
April 20, 2015

The Diversity Question

by Howard Schaap
…whole. As an entire Church Universal, we are diverse. This answer, too, is comforting and hopeful. We are not called to do the work of the entire Church in our one church; we are called to do our part, both in our communities and by supporting missions in specific locations in the world. We will not have a mix of all tribes, nations, and languages until heaven, and we should not expect it before. Yes, this God’s-eye-view is hopeful and the reality…
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Featured image for “Good News to Mary”
December 23, 2016

Good News to Mary

by Kristi Kiel
…eeping the promise made to her ancestors centuries before. A Messiah would come. The powerful, the oppressors, would be overturned. The Messiah would bring justice and peace. Things would be set right. Good news to Mary. Not such good news for the self-centered, the proud, the rich, the successful, the powerful. People like me. What would Mary have thought about a person like me? Would she even be able to process the idea that a woman could have s…
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The blog.