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Featured image for “The Simplicity of God”
May 27, 2016

The Simplicity of God

by Joshua Harris
…ascribe to him, we might consider the way in which the sixty-four squares comprising a chess board is related to the rules of chess. How might we reply, for example, if someone were to suggest that we follow all the rules of chess, but without a board? The answer, of course, would have to be something along the lines of “whatever your proposed game is, it’s not chess.” When we understand why it’s impossible to play chess without a chess board, we…
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Featured image for “Crazy Busy? Overwhelmed? Six Good Reads to Help You Rethink Your Calendar”
December 8, 2015

Crazy Busy? Overwhelmed? Six Good Reads to Help You Rethink Your Calendar

by Leah Zuidema
…nce: Saying No to the Culture of Now (by Walter Brueggemann). I’ve heard good things about each of them. If you have additional titles to recommend, please share in the comments. Happy reading!…
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Featured image for “What do you want?: A review of <em>Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life</em>”
July 27, 2022

What do you want?: A review of Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life

by Dawn Berkelaar
…t why we humans do the things we do; to ask whether or not the reasons are compelling; to ask questions that might help us rethink and adjust our actions where necessary.  Scattered throughout his book, Burgis includes a description of fifteen tactics that can help readers to identify thin, mimetic desires and to develop thick desires. I have already mentioned creating a hierarchy of values. Another is to “find sources of wisdom that withstand mim…
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Featured image for “When War is the World: A Review of <em>Missionaries</em>”
April 22, 2021

When War is the World: A Review of Missionaries

by Myles Werntz
…spreadsheets more than wisdom—are the real villains here, villains which encompass and alter the agencies of the four main characters. Their varied stories comprise the first two-thirds of the book, as they engage war professionally from different vantage points and sides of the business of war. None of the figures are themselves the most important members in their organizations, but mid-level personnel with some ability to choose, to heal, or to…
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Featured image for “Compensation as Cultivation”
August 12, 2015

Compensation as Cultivation

by Donald Roth
…supported, and how might that be accomplished? How might you push for pro-flourishing compensation policies even at the middle management or employee level? We welcome your comments below. See, for instance, this article in Forbes, and this one in Inc. Magazine ↩…
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Featured image for “Retelling the Story of the Church: Jehu Hanciles and the Importance of Migration”
September 20, 2021

Retelling the Story of the Church: Jehu Hanciles and the Importance of Migration

by Myles Werntz
…logous to the Chalcedonian formula. Has the informal form of Christianity, practiced in Syria and in the Orthodox East, become the “imperial” form now? Or does it retain the designation of “from the ground up,” despite its confessional adoption? From Hanciles’ perspective, it is important that we not look only to the “imperial” version of the story of Christianity to understand how migration has shaped it, but to the informal ways the faith has un…
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Featured image for “Displaying the Hope of the Gospel in Jesus”
June 22, 2016

Displaying the Hope of the Gospel in Jesus

by Eric Watkins
…s in the church. What do you see as the largest challenge for the Reformed community in the coming decade? It might be tempting to think, especially in the current political climate in which we live, that the greatest challenge before the church is that of militant secularism or possibly even Islamic extremism. While these challenges are great, history has reiterated the point that persecution is often a refining crucible for the church. There is…
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Featured image for “What’s in a Word: Calling or Vocation?”
April 25, 2016

What’s in a Word: Calling or Vocation?

by Syd Hielema
…o the ways others experience my identity and the identity of the Christian community. For example, how is my manner shaped by graciousness, peace, or love, or how is it shaped by self-righteousness, fear, or judgmentalism? All the New Testament epistles are filled with calls to embody Christ-like posture, a call epitomized by Paul in Galatians 5: “but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentlene…
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Featured image for “Listening through Disagreement: A Review of “Civil Dialogue on Abortion””
June 29, 2018

Listening through Disagreement: A Review of “Civil Dialogue on Abortion”

by Stephen Shaffer
…ans and non-Christians as well as pro-choice and pro-life advocates have become polarized in our culture with their own words, online communities, and patent arguments. For our society to move forward, we need to find the language for civil dialogue without sacrificing religious conviction. While they do bracket religious reasoning, Mulder and Manninen provide a model of how to talk together when we do not share the same basic convictions about th…
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Featured image for “Waiting Through the Night”
November 6, 2017

Waiting Through the Night

by Erin Zoutendam
…ons are valid!) But, this phrase needs little explanation or adaptation—it comes down to us through the centuries with resonant clarity. The honesty of this sentence is a comfort to me. In seasons of anxiety, stress, grief, and loneliness, it can be a relief just to admit “The night is not yet over.” No need for forced smiles, no need to pretend. This phrase recognizes the grimness of present reality and even brings that grimness to the foreground…
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Featured image for “Technology and the Mind, Body and Soul”
May 2, 2017

Technology and the Mind, Body and Soul

by Kayt Frisch
…e chapter toward its conclusion by discussing the implications of internet communication for Christian community, particularly as it applies to the cyber church. The chapter finishes with a set of application points and questions for reflection, encouraging the reader to consider the implications of the chapter’s ideas in the context of his or her own life. Both The Shallows and The Next Story do an excellent job of motivating the reader to consid…
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Featured image for “Engaging All People of God”
June 21, 2016

Engaging All People of God

by Tom De Vries
…s in the church. What do you see as the largest challenge for the Reformed community in the coming decade? How we do church is changing. In previous decades, the church served as a social outlet where people met their friends and shared community. Congregants went over to one another’s houses for Bible study, they lingered after Sunday school classes, they took extra time to talk and drink their coffee after service. This is just not the case anym…
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Featured image for “Animosity and Anonymous Critique”
September 3, 2019

Animosity and Anonymous Critique

by Kathryn Post
…ak’s early demise. Yolo is a new app that allows users to anonymously send comments, questions, and pictures in response to other users’ Snapchat stories. USA Today reported the app has been downloaded over 5 million times since its release in early May, and according to BBC, Yolo was the most-downloaded iPhone app in both the US and UK just one week following its release. Naturally, folks are concerned about Yolo’s potential for bulling and abuse…
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Featured image for “The Third Thing”
May 28, 2019

The Third Thing

by Caleb Schut
…read by a woman from the congregation about an interaction she had on her commute in Chicago. The content of the songs—their questions, answers, images and language—has been birthed by this community of people working out their salvation with fear and trembling. Mystery is one of the themes the album leans into. Davin Youngs, the Director of Music at Grace and the album’s producer, recently said about our approach to music: “We believe that music…
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Featured image for ““Movies Are Prayers” Book Review”
April 2, 2018

“Movies Are Prayers” Book Review

by Josh Matthews
…tation and contemplation, and joy. Each chapter in his book offers several examples of each kind of movie-prayer. For example, prayers of anger are featured in diverse movies from across the decades: “Fight Club” (1999), “The Maltese Falcon” (1941), “Taxi Driver” (1976), and “King Kong” (1933). Other movies are prayers of joy, which can be uttered from anywhere in the world: “Pather Panchali” (India), “Amélie” (France), “My Neighbor Totoro” (Japan…
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Featured image for “Encountering the Land of Israel”
July 25, 2017

Encountering the Land of Israel

by Marta Vander Top
…crowded, and there’s not much here besides the religious sites. But if you come here only to encounter the Divine you will become insane. It is always a mixture between the human and the spiritual in this city, and that’s what makes it so special.” We turned the corner and waited in line to entire the church. I looked over to my left and noticed a group of people sitting against the wall. A man was smoking a cigarette, another was reading a book,…
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Featured image for “A Distinctive World and Life Perspective”
June 20, 2016

A Distinctive World and Life Perspective

by Steven Timmermans
…n the church. 1. What do you see as the largest challenge for the Reformed community in the coming decade? A significant challenge in the coming decade is to continue to claim with confidence and boldness the Lordship of Christ in all things. As society has become more and more closed to Christian voices, we may become more reclusive, more willing to put up walls between Sunday and the rest of the week, and more accommodating to the culture around…
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Featured image for “Education as Formation”
October 29, 2014

Education as Formation

by Dave Mulder
…ing.” While increasing knowledge is certainly a part of what it means to become educated, a biblical view of teaching and learning is so much more than just enlightening the mind. Parker Palmer says, “We teach who we are.”5 For Christian teachers, our identity in Christ means that we will approach our craft from a different set of ground rules. Every instructional decision, every interaction with a student, everything that shapes the atmosphere of…
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Featured image for “She is to Remain Silent”
September 21, 2021

She is to Remain Silent

by Joya Schreurs
…ignored the points I made but praised a male student for raising the same comments. It’s there every time my boss chooses to comment not on my skill or work ethic but some aspect of my appearance. It’s there when men I love and respect dismiss the toxic comments of male theologians (who convinced me in childhood that I would go to hell for using my spiritual gifts), in favor of holding onto the parts of their theology they enjoy. The message endu…
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Featured image for “How Do I Know What to Do With my Life?”
April 26, 2016

How Do I Know What to Do With my Life?

by Mark Verbruggen
…istians, we are quick to give correct theological answers to any number of questions. We can speak about grace and faith, identity and Kingdom calling, and so forth. However, when it comes to the real world of career and choices, we can easily forget it all. Younger people often feel obliged to chase for the trophies, awards, GPA, and scholarships by which they think they and their futures are defined and determined. Sadly, for many of them, they…
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September 4, 2014

Content Models

…a post in a highly interactive forum.Even though feedback seems like a big comment, it’s actually a piece of content others can comment on and vote up or down. It has its own taxonomy, feedback types, which you define. Currently these are Idea, Praise, Problem, and Question. We want people to post their ideas and questions for authors to write articles about; we want them to mention any problems they run into while using the site; and if they want…
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Featured image for “Gathering Around the Table”
January 13, 2017

Gathering Around the Table

by Marcy Rudins
for today, we see that Jesus, who at this point has risen from the grave, comes to meet with the disciples and “…proved to them in many ways he was actually alive…Once he was eating with them…” A part of Christ’s being alive was manifested in being gathered around a table. It was the breaking of the bread. Listening to stories. Eating food might keep us alive—yet, to be alive is to be gathered with those whom you call Beloved. The beauty of this…
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Featured image for “The Ins and Outs of Marriage: A Review of “Mutual by Design””
September 4, 2018

The Ins and Outs of Marriage: A Review of “Mutual by Design”

by Erin Olson
…out the “nuts and bolts” of relationships discussing topics like finances, communication, and forgiveness. The third section answers some tough questions about subjects that have historically been difficult for the church and Christian community. The book is published by the Center for Biblical Equality; therefore, the authors of each of the chapters are all operating from an egalitarian (as opposed to complementarian) view of marriage. These two…
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Featured image for “Abuse in the Church”
September 26, 2019

Abuse in the Church

by Tara Boer
…of darkness, but rather expose them…But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light” (Ephesians 5:11-13, NIV). Satan hides in the darkness, and his work is perpetuated by sins hidden under church protection or ignorance. Let’s pray for the day when the church is known for being an exceptionally safe, holy place that brings life and light in every way possible. May we be a place where people g…
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Featured image for “Good and Full”
September 22, 2016

Good and Full

by Caleb Schut
…uld trust in Jesus rather than in my own ability to sustain my faith was a freedom that I had never experienced. It was a freedom that would carry me through my fears and doubts. My internal contradictions had led me out of my depth to a place where my own spiritual habits and self-assurance could no longer suffice. In the throes of my panic, my years of Christian education at Hope College and Western Theological Seminary, all of the answers I had…
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The blog.