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Featured image for “Advent: Hope”
December 20, 2014

Advent: Hope

by Gabe Eliserio
…ings glory to God. When someone trusts you, they’re saying you are trustworthy. This is an honor. The same is true when we put our hope in Christ and His future promise. Having hope in Christ brings God glory! As those in the Old Testament hoped in the coming of the Messiah, we are to hope in the second coming of Christ and the fulfillment of salvation. Hopefully the response is to make the spiritual preparations in our daily lives. Live faithfull…
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Featured image for “Advent: Emmanuel Brings True Peace”
December 10, 2019

Advent: Emmanuel Brings True Peace

by Chandra Crane
…son) and “O Come All Ye Faithful” especially. But, if I have to choose, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” is in the top spot. In addition to the fact that I apparently have a soft spot for Christmas carols with the symphonic “O” in their title, I love “O Come” because it is achingly beautiful. The minor key quiets my frenzied brain even as it stirs up deeper longings in my soul—a hunger and thirst for righteousness, to see Jesus face-to-face. When I liste…
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Featured image for “My Oldest Friend: The Impact of Intergenerational Friendships”
July 11, 2022

My Oldest Friend: The Impact of Intergenerational Friendships

by Mariellen Van Nieuwenhuyzen
…th together. More particularly, I’d like to highlight a couple of biblical examples of women growing in faith together across generations. Likely the most well-known example is that of Naomi and Ruth. As Naomi’s husband and sons die, she plans to leave the enemy land of Moab to return to her people. First, she tells her widowed daughters-in-law to stay with their people. Yet one daughter-in-law, Ruth, remains loyal to Naomi, adamant that she will…
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Featured image for “Finding Hope in a Bleak Midwinter”
December 29, 2022

Finding Hope in a Bleak Midwinter

by Bruce Kuiper
…ven cannot hold him” but whose new residence is a stable…” This contrast becomes the song’s focus. Here we have the Creator of the universe, someone so vast and beyond comprehension that “heaven cannot hold him” but whose new residence is a stable … and I’m guessing that the stable itself is hardly enough of a refuge against the harsh winter, let alone sufficient to house the earth’s true Lord. We all know this mystery, of course, and many other s…
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Featured image for “Life Through Death”
April 13, 2017

Life Through Death

by Anneke Wind
…. In response to his unfailing love for us, we are called to carry out the command Jesus gave his disciples: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13: 34-35). This is another passage that we cannot become callous to—proclaiming that Christ perseveres through his people. By loving others, we show Christ to a broken world. As David wr…
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Featured image for “The Compassion of the Cross”
April 14, 2017

The Compassion of the Cross

by April Fiet
…ry of Jesus—from his humble birth to his death on the cross—was defined by compassion. The word compassion means “to suffer with” or “to suffer together.” Jesus suffered for us, and He suffered with us. “Surely he has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases.” And nowhere do we see Jesus’ ministry of compassion more clearly than on the cross, where he was willing to suffer with us even to the point of death. He was willing to enter into all…
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Featured image for “Our Call to Follow”
May 12, 2017

Our Call to Follow

by Matthew J. Warfield
…we read the passage, we ask ourselves what God means when He says, I have come down to deliver them. What does that mean in our current reality which seems so overcome with division, hate, racism, sexism? I believe that, for us, we must turn or gaze upon Jesus, God incarnate. Jesus, in his inaugural sermon found in Luke 4:18-19, declares, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me…
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Featured image for “What About the Women?: A Review of <em>The Making of Biblical Womanhood</em>”
May 13, 2021

What About the Women?: A Review of The Making of Biblical Womanhood

by Melissa Bailey
…’t always theologically motivated. More often than not, the power struggle comes first, and the theology comes second as a means to justify decisions already made. If the reader disagrees with that last sentence, then I encourage them to read Barr’s book with an open mind, particularly her analysis of the patriarchy and its tight connection with the inerrancy argument and its use of “slippery slope” theology, and allow the good, bad, and ugly of c…
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Featured image for “Did You Hear Me?”
December 29, 2016

Did You Hear Me?

by Edie Lenz
…ention, even as he entered in triumph to cries of “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest heaven.” He is aware that they don’t understand. They aren’t paying attention—maybe they never did. The disciples don’t understand; the crowd has certainly missed the point. The Messiah, the reconciler, the forgiver, the one who is one of them and fully God has come among them and they are worried abou…
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Featured image for “A Look at the Movies of 2015”
December 18, 2015

A Look at the Movies of 2015

by John Vander Stelt
…0s life is played by John Cusack. A masterful job of film editing makes it compelling to watch unfold. Bridge of Spies Steven Spielberg has effortlessly transported us to so many eras in history throughout his career. This time it’s the Cold War; an American lawyer is recruited to defend an arrested Soviet spy in court and then help the CIA facilitate an exchange of the spy for the Soviet-captured American U2 spy plane pilot, Francis Gary Powers….
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Featured image for “Should We be on FIRE?”
August 25, 2020

Should We be on FIRE?

by Tim Klein
…cial independence goes into hyperspeed. Quickly, our goals become an idol. Questions come into our mind: how quickly can I save the money; how can I make more money; if I work more, can I save more? We begin to lose focus on many important areas of life that God has blessed us with—family, friends, etc. We work longer hours to earn a little more. We pass up opportunities to go out with friends. We work extra jobs to pay off our debt. All this to g…
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Featured image for ““Are You for Us or for Our Enemies?” Making Decisions Amid Contested Meanings”
May 28, 2020

“Are You for Us or for Our Enemies?” Making Decisions Amid Contested Meanings

by Justin Bailey
…man answered Joshua’s question about sides: “Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.” Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?” The commander of the LORD’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so. (Joshua 5:14-15) Joshua’s question changes from, “which side are you on?”…
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Featured image for “Why War? A Neo-Calvinist Perspective: A Review of <em>A Field Guide to Christian Nonviolence</em>”
February 17, 2022

Why War? A Neo-Calvinist Perspective: A Review of A Field Guide to Christian Nonviolence

by Laremy De Vries
for most of my adult life, it hasn’t hit close to home for me. Many of the examples in the book come from what you might think of as the greatest hits of 20th century violence. Nazis, Vietnam, drug cartels in Central America, and the Civil Rights Movement all showed very clearly what was at stake. In this century, our wars seem lukewarm at best, and the violence seems distant, at least to many rural Americans. But maybe that’s exactly the right ti…
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Featured image for “Solomon’s Wish”
December 31, 2016

Solomon’s Wish

by Erik Hoekstra
…ahead. As we build our list of resolutions for 2017, let us consider a few questions and comments: If God came to you with the same ‘wish granting’ opportunity that He gave to Solomon, what would you put at the top of your list? What do you need to serve God well in the year ahead? Are we putting God first and seeing ourselves in relation to him? Do we have a realistic self-awareness of our own strengths and shortcomings? Can we humble ourselves a…
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Featured image for “Putting Grace back in the Doctrines: A Review of <em>Humble Calvinism</em>”
April 26, 2019

Putting Grace back in the Doctrines: A Review of Humble Calvinism

by Justin Bailey
…asis is on how the doctrine engenders community and confidence rather than comfortable complacency. In his blurb, theologian Kevin Vanhoozer describes the book as “laugh-out-loud Reformed theology.” That might be an overstatement, but it does capture something of the wit and verve with which Medders writes. His book is a warm-hearted exposition of TULIP, and thus representative of a New Calvinist movement that has had some time to mature. Medders’…
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Featured image for “The First Suffragette”
April 22, 2017

The First Suffragette

by James Calvin Schaap
…er in the tomb. When she turns away, a man is standing there asking stupid questions. “Who are you looking for?” he says. She’s wiping her eyes because she certainly doesn’t see. All she knows is someone’s in her way, so she lets him have it. Now think of that little girl facing off against the bull. See the way she stands there, hands on hips, as if nothing’s going to stop her? Cocky, belligerent, head-strong, that bronze child is not one bit afr…
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Featured image for “Disabled Images: On Identity and Disability”
December 1, 2016

Disabled Images: On Identity and Disability

by Dan Vander Plaats
…worth anything when people only saw me for my disability? Did I need to accomplish things and “overcome” my disability in order to be worthwhile? How did I compare to others? How could I reflect God’s image when I couldn’t even talk clearly? In her memoir A Good and Perfect Gift, Amy Julia Becker recounts comparing her daughter, Penny (born with Down syndrome), with other children. “As I lay in bed, I realized that the question I had been asking…
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Featured image for “Discerning Doubt: A Review of <em>After Doubt</em>”
April 29, 2021

Discerning Doubt: A Review of After Doubt

by Justin Bailey
…hat deconstruction—in which we actively seek to take our beliefs apart and examine them—can have a dark side. We may become addicted to the iconoclasm of questioning authority while forgetting to question ourselves. Or we may be tempted to deconstruct our faith simply so that it conforms to our cultural or personal preferences. But as Swoboda reminds us (channeling Augustine), “if we believe what we like in the Gospels, and reject what we don’t li…
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Featured image for “Top 5: Movies of Empathy”
August 5, 2022

Top 5: Movies of Empathy

by Josh Matthews
…er lost your hearing permanently? Since most of us would say “no” to these questions, we might have a difficult time understanding the situation of someone completely unlike us.  These movies try to give us the experience of being like that other someone so powerfully that we feel that we have had their experience. The Elephant Man (1980) This remarkable movie by director David Lynch is the first film that came to mind as I compiled this list. Her…
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Featured image for “Working through Possibilities: a Theologian Reviews <em> When Did Sin Begin? </em>”
June 1, 2022

Working through Possibilities: a Theologian Reviews When Did Sin Begin?

by Jason Lief
…open a dialogue between human evolution and Christian faith. This is to be commended, and from this perspective, I strongly recommend this book. At the same time, I can’t help but feel something is missing. At some point we need to acknowledge that those who interpret scripture from a particular evangelical/fundamentalist methodology are not the only ones who take the Bible seriously. Read another perspective of this book here. Loren Haarsma, When…
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Featured image for “Memento Mori: A Review of <em>The End of the Christian Life</em>”
January 21, 2021

Memento Mori: A Review of The End of the Christian Life

by Todd Zuidema
…do have, while giving us a renewed hope and anticipation of what is yet to come. At the close of each chapter, Billings provides a set of questions for personal reflection, but also for discussion within a group. At the back of the book, after the notes, there is a helpful Scripture index listing the specific texts that he uses. This lends itself well to a small group setting. Todd Billings has given us a gift. In a way, his book stands as a memen…
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Featured image for “A New Social Pietism”
January 24, 2019

A New Social Pietism

by Caleb Schut
…ur obstinate willingness to continue sitting on our hands. “If you want to come to our black churches, you are welcome,” he said. The room felt split. I felt split. He made me aware of my skin color in a prophetic way. I was responsible for it. What does it mean to be a white pastor in a predominantly white church on the north side of a city divided into north and south, black and white? What obligation do majority-white churches have to the most…
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Featured image for “2021 Top Podcasts”
December 16, 2021

2021 Top Podcasts

by Justin Bailey, Ruth Clark
…weigh in! What podcasts influenced you in the past year? What podcasts would you recommend to the readers of iAt? Leave your recommendations in the comments….
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Featured image for “Podcast: REFORMING – Feature Conversation: James Eglinton”
April 16, 2021

Podcast: REFORMING – Feature Conversation: James Eglinton

by Justin Bailey
…h a faith that is rooted in the past, yet responsive to the challenges and questions of the present? Among the topics we discuss: How we remember the past: the difference between “critical” and “commemorative” biography The relationship of the two monumental figures from the Dutch Calvinist tradition: Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck How Bavinck might respond to the idea of “always reforming” How Bavinck managed to maintain friendship and to inte…
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Featured image for “Clarifying, Complicating, and Challenging Kuyper: A Review of <em>Calvinism for a Secular World</em>”
February 16, 2022

Clarifying, Complicating, and Challenging Kuyper: A Review of Calvinism for a Secular World

by Justin Ariel Bailey
…amplifying my gratitude and acknowledging my grief, making it an essential companion to Kuyper’s lectures. It clarifies his aims, complicates his legacy, and challenges his flaws. When necessary, it moves forward by reading Kuyper against himself. Most importantly, it continues Kuyper’s project, offering a generative and generous vision for all of life, one sorely needed in our secular age.   I am thankful for the conversation that has taken place…
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The blog.