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Featured image for “Person,  Pastor, and Theologian: A Review of <em> An Explorer’s Guide to John Calvin</em>”
November 29, 2022

Person, Pastor, and Theologian: A Review of An Explorer’s Guide to John Calvin

by Gayle Doornbos
for Servetus’s death at Calvin’s feet”.3 Thianto also identifies two other common but important misunderstandings. First, in his chapter on frequently asked questions about Calvin, Thianto confronts the charge that Calvin was solely concerned about predestination and invented the acronym TULIP. While Calvin did affirm the doctrine of predestination, the Canons of Dort (from which the acronym is derived) were written decades after Calvin died. Furt…
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Featured image for “Ministry on the Edges of Neo-Pagan North America”
April 14, 2016

Ministry on the Edges of Neo-Pagan North America

by Brian and Betsy Turnbull
…and spiritual transformation (loving God). By getting started, a missional community becomes a closely-knit group of people on a mission together. As individuals of the group engage their own personal transformation and the transformation of those around them, they begin to see glimpses of a spiritual transformation taking hold in the larger community around them. Feder, Michelle, “Are we Losing Our Religion? Searching for Spirituality in Seattle,…
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Featured image for “God’s Provisions”
April 18, 2017

God’s Provisions

by Annastasia Boncyzk
…th a lot of pain, uncertainty, or frustration. Maybe it’s a story full of joy, blessing, and hope. Maybe it’s a story with a bit of both, and a little bit more. Whatever your story, I would encourage you to wonder at these questions. How do you need God’s provision? When that provision comes, how will you respond? Consider your answers. Talk about them with friends. Let the Resurrection linger in your minds and hearts and conversations.  …
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Featured image for “Of Trees and Rings: A Reflection on <em> The Rings of Power </em>”
September 22, 2022

Of Trees and Rings: A Reflection on The Rings of Power

by Tom Clark
…n why art is so powerful.1 As we consider multiple stories asking the same questions, we reflect on how we might fare in such circumstances. Some Tolkien “purists” suggest that The Rings of Power has veered too far from the source material; however, scenes like this one suggest otherwise. The tears of lament remind me of other classics such as Binsey Poplars by Gerard Manley Hopkins. Tolkien would have known Hopkins poetry well and perhaps had lin…
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Featured image for “Podcast: JOINING – Feature Conversation: Chandra Crane”
May 15, 2021

Podcast: JOINING – Feature Conversation: Chandra Crane

by Justin Bailey
…icity? Among the topics we discuss: How multiethnic (mixed) people process questions like “where are you from?” and “what are you?” The blessing that mixed people are to the church and the world Ways to think about distinctions between ethnicity & race, “cultural appropriation” vs. “cultural appreciation”, and cultural stereotypes vs. “cultural prototypes”. Why it is important to talk about ethnicity as part of talking about our identity in Christ…
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Featured image for “Welcome to the Century of Neuroscience, the Century of the Brain –  Part I: Traditional Dualistic Views of Human Nature”
June 14, 2017

Welcome to the Century of Neuroscience, the Century of the Brain – Part I: Traditional Dualistic Views of Human Nature

by Ralph Davis
…living psychosomatic unity we experience as “ourselves.” The two parts are completely integrated in this temporal life, like the components of a baked cake, but in the afterlife the soul and the body can be separated by God (according to Aquinas) and the soul re-integrated with a resurrection body. Modern adherents refer to views such as this as “Thomistic dualism” or “holistic dualism” or (more recently, in a reverse of the emphasis) “dualistic h…
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Featured image for “The Dark Tower”
August 24, 2017

The Dark Tower

by Josh Matthews
…was, about the genre of this movie. It’s best described as an apocalyptic coming-of-age teen-angst science-fiction fantasy horror Western. As an example of its genre-mixing curiosities, The Dark Tower depicts portals that require advanced computers to open them, but then it also features copious amounts of black magic and demon possession. The Man in Black can talk to anybody anywhere by using his black crystal ball, but he needs his computer pro…
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Featured image for “The Science Associated with Producing GMOs”
November 11, 2015

The Science Associated with Producing GMOs

by Darren Stoub
…with the bodies normal production of cholesterol) facilitating organismal communication (for example, insulin, a protein, interacts with the insulin receptor, a protein, which allows the pancreas to tell the rest of the body that blood sugar levels are too high) providing structural support for an organism (for example, the protein dystrophin provides a tether between the cell and the actin fibers which allow muscles to work effectively) transpor…
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Featured image for “We Need Faithful Farmers”
June 27, 2023

We Need Faithful Farmers

by Dale Vos
…ofessors when our students are curious. Discoveries begin with asking good questions. Curiosity is common in Scripture. The early followers of Jesus were a curious bunch. Great crowds of people followed Jesus to hear him teach and be healed. The early church generated a lot of curiosity as it spread throughout the known world. It often caused problems among the establishment. Often, the curious, faithful farmer attracts unwanted attention too. How…
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Featured image for “The Question of What We Do With Our Past”
May 5, 2017

The Question of What We Do With Our Past

by Myles Werntz
…her’s life, while hazardous to a casual reader, is what makes this book so compelling: it unfolds as our memories of our lives actually unfold, in fits and starts, partial recollections which are completely intelligible to the teller but an inviting mystery to the hearer. Grandfather’s meeting of his first wife in the aftermath of World War 2 is followed by his work some decades later in the aerospace industry, interrupted by descriptions of last…
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Featured image for “Vulnerability and Fauxnerability: Learning the Difference is Essential for a Leader”
September 25, 2018

Vulnerability and Fauxnerability: Learning the Difference is Essential for a Leader

by Chuck DeGroat
…see our participation in The Story. Ultimately, fauxnerability is as old as Genesis 3, and a path of ultimate vulnerability has been paved by one who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied himself, becoming a servant. The vulnerable one is a servant leader whose energy is for the sake of empathetic connection and compassionate invitation to another for the sake of their wholeness in Christ. That’s a leader I’ll fo…
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Featured image for “Our Stereotypical American Family”
October 6, 2016

Our Stereotypical American Family

by Kayt and Kurt Frisch
…ing arrangement can be seen as strange and unorthodox, particularly in our community, though the arrangement is increasingly more common in our larger society (which, admittedly, might not be the ringing endorsement we might wish). While one might get lost in an endless debate regarding gender roles, one observation that we find productive as we think about our individual and joint callings in service to God’s kingdom is this: God has blessed us i…
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Featured image for “What Does Evangelical Mean?”
July 12, 2016

What Does Evangelical Mean?

by Scott Culpepper
…ion by faith” in Protestant doctrine. The term was used here to indicate a common set of theological commitments that the diverse Lutheran, Reformed, and Anabaptists traditions generally held in common. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, revivalist movements that sparked the First and Second Great Awakenings led to the use of the term “evangelical” to specifically identity supporters of revivalism who placed strong emphasis on the nec…
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Featured image for “Should Christians Engage in Politics?”
October 19, 2015

Should Christians Engage in Politics?

by Mick Sneider
…rry; in many places the church was the state. This led to some individuals searching for religious freedom from the church. They found that opportunity in a new land known as America. After a few generations, the settlers of this new land won their freedom from England and formed a government unlike any that existed in the European nations they had come from. One of the tenets of this government was the separation of church and state in the corpor…
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Featured image for “Be Not Afraid…To Vote for a Third-Party Conservative Candidate”
November 4, 2016

Be Not Afraid…To Vote for a Third-Party Conservative Candidate

by Tom Clark
…d maybe the major parties will get the message and nominate better candidates in the future. See analysis here.  ↩ See analysis by the Tax Policy Center  ↩ Watch this video here for example he spends several hours in a mostly African-American church in Atlanta answering their questions. ↩ See 538’s forecast of Utah  ↩…
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Featured image for “More than a Number”
August 6, 2014

More than a Number

by Kailee Wolterstorff
…s in their life. I enjoy hearing about their goals and what they want to accomplish after four years of college. It is the students who do not know what they want to study during college that I enjoy talking with the most. Many of them are not aware of the vast amount of opportunities they can pursue, while also being able to live out their God-given talents. Having that conversation with prospective students is a great experience because they des…
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Featured image for ““Evangelizing Everything” Including Ourselves: a review of Chapters 8-9 of Neo-Calvinism”
February 9, 2023

“Evangelizing Everything” Including Ourselves: a review of Chapters 8-9 of Neo-Calvinism

by Justin Ariel Bailey
…t comfort and confrontation of the good news of Jesus. We might say that a common thread here is surprise—the surprise of common grace (leading to gratitude) and the surprise of the gospel (leading to repentance). There is also the surprise of sin, but perhaps for Calvinists that should not be so surprising. How does theology pull us away from our fixation on mastery, possession, and control (the way of the Empire), pushing us towards vulnerabilit…
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Featured image for “Defending the Marital Sphere: A Review of <em>Church, State, and Family</em>”
August 1, 2019

Defending the Marital Sphere: A Review of Church, State, and Family

by Donald Roth
…social legitimation, and natural origin of marriage. Further, they link to competing claims of authority over the marital family by the couple, the church, the state, and nature. According to Witte, “When these respective claims and authorities are balanced—when each corner of the canopy is pulled with comparable weight—the marital family is stable.”2 This metaphor has some obvious prescriptive applications, but Witte spends more time on a more nu…
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Featured image for “Jesus Drives Out an Impure Spirit”
June 8, 2016

Jesus Drives Out an Impure Spirit

by Steve Holtrop
…I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” “Be quiet!” Jesus said sternly. “Come out of him!” Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him. All the people were amazed and said to each other, “What words these are! With authority and power, he gives orders to impure spirits and they come out!” Luke 4:31-36 (NIV) The miracles are one of the ways that Jesus’ knowledge, authority, and power start to be revealed as…
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Featured image for “Drawn to Jesus”
June 29, 2016

Drawn to Jesus

by Cara Mulder
…my prayer warriors, praying for my students and me. There is nothing that compares to the power of prayer. Now all my students know that I am a Christian and they ask me all sorts of questions about Jesus. Students who used to persecute me for my faith now respect me for it. Students who had terrible living situations are now in a more stable environment. Students who were suicidal are stronger than they have ever been. My prayer warriors have ne…
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Featured image for “Feeble Lamps Burning in the Big Wind: A Review of “The Year of Our Lord 1943””
November 29, 2018

Feeble Lamps Burning in the Big Wind: A Review of “The Year of Our Lord 1943”

by Steven Rodriguez
…claims? What are their shared convictions, if any? Do these people form a community, and is this the kind of community I would want to be a part of? Reading the book, I found it striking that each character found shelter from the external tempest of nationalism and the internal tempest of romantic individualism by joining a fellowship with other pilgrims on the way. C. S. Lewis had his Inklings, the gold standard of literary pub theology. T. S. E…
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Featured image for “Who Are You? ”
December 21, 2017

Who Are You? 

by Erin Olson
…eed each other, and don’t survive long without social contact. We all have common basic needs when it comes to how we feel in relation to the “others” in our lives, specifically those closest to us, including our friends and family members. Christian therapists Mark & Debbie Laaser in their book, Seven Desires, identify desires that they believe are common to all people and which, if left unmet, can lead to problems with intimacy and interpersonal…
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Featured image for “I Know Whom I Have Believed”
June 9, 2017

I Know Whom I Have Believed

by Donald Roth
…account, then, should be informative. This is the Lord Himself asking two questions that we may have found ourselves asking at times in our lives: “Do you know who I am?” and “Who do you think you are?” If you can recall the outrage and emotion that may have led you to say such a thing before, try to imagine that on a Divine scale, and the realization should knock you over or send you running for cover. Yet, while this exchange provokes Job to un…
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Featured image for “I Am a Part”
November 22, 2021

I Am a Part

by Josie De Jong
…yer, encouraging each volunteer to lay their hands on a box to bless its oncoming journey. Even if these actions were outside my realm of comfort, it was rewarding to witness the down-to-earth goodness of people who believed entirely in what they were doing. That kind of goodness, filled with absolute determination and belief past the bounds of practicality, was alien, but endearing. Further than that, it was humbling. Quieting.  “By throwing myse…
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Featured image for “The Flourishing of Human Life”
June 23, 2016

The Flourishing of Human Life

by John Crosby
…l Presbyterians. What do you see as the largest challenge for the Reformed community in the coming decade? The largest challenge I see for the Reformed community is balance of theological depth with ability to keep living relationship with Christ comprehensible. While ECO places itself within the mainstream of classic Reformed thought, it’s mission to an increasingly post-Christian society will call it to present itself publicly within the larger…
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The blog.