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Featured image for “Creative Consumption”
January 20, 2016

Creative Consumption

by Sara Alsum-Wassenaar
…cess in which it engages people. Thinking about the usability of discarded materials makes one constantly look for materials to re-use. This is a way of acknowledging that the world is more than a place to exploit for maximum profit and maximum consumption — it was given to us so that we could help creation flourish. Consuming the least amounts of “natural resources” like wood or oil allows for non-human aspects of creation to flourish. Less mater…
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Featured image for “The Bridge Between Beauty and Functionality”
February 19, 2019

The Bridge Between Beauty and Functionality

by Justin Vander Werff
…sustains materials that are used in structures made by human hands. In the instances and applications where God’s Spirit provides our dim human eyes a glimpse of His wonderful design and technique, the works of our hands provide a taste of His handiwork. God in His grace has allowed us to comprehend some ways to use His materials efficiently, and in doing so, He has provided us with a hint of His glory. With Paul in Romans 11 we proclaim, “For fr…
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Featured image for “A Farmer’s Perspective”
February 9, 2015

A Farmer’s Perspective

by Malcolm De Kryger
…an litters of 12 to 13 baby pigs, twice as many as 50 years ago. This is accomplished without genetic modification or added hormones, a common false claim. It is simply how God made them and how they naturally respond to the resources we have available through modern technology. Contrary to popular opinion, free-range animals often suffer out in the elements—from harsh weather, parasites and diseases, or predators. In modern, high-tech barns, pigs…
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Featured image for “Hope, Action, and Neighbor Love: The Planet and Christian Discipleship”
May 30, 2023

Hope, Action, and Neighbor Love: The Planet and Christian Discipleship

by Caleb Schut, Nate Rauh-Bieri
…nd there are many people working on solutions, practicing active hope. For example, communities who live in the shadow of refineries are advocating for more accountability on how companies treat the earth. More people are adopting sustainable practices that protect the living world. We can join changemakers like these, getting off the sidelines of apathy or despair and into action. We also need to get politicians and businesses behind solutions—an…
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Featured image for “Why Does My Insurance Cost So Much?”
February 18, 2016

Why Does My Insurance Cost So Much?

by Donald Roth
…ficant difficulties in terms of managing costs. Overall, there are no easy complete solutions to the challenges we face in insurance costs, but there are many small things we can do based on the model of how insurance works. As a few quick examples, Americans spend significantly more on brand name medications, but we use generics more than most other nations as well, and that growing trend is helping to lower costs. Similarly, the exploding popula…
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Featured image for “How Can We Support Teachers?”
October 20, 2020

How Can We Support Teachers?

by Dave Mulder
…s to serve in your children’s classrooms, it’s time for us to collectively examine teacher compensation. We all want the best teachers possible for the students in our lives, right? No one comes into a new school year thinking, “I hope my child has a mediocre teacher this year.” We want great teachers who are going to make a difference in our kids’ lives! This takes all of us working together to advocate for and encourage educators. How can we sup…
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Featured image for “Surviving Secular Apocalypse: A “How-To” Book for the End of the World”
January 2, 2018

Surviving Secular Apocalypse: A “How-To” Book for the End of the World

by Justin Bailey
…ently prefer the distractions of private life to public participation. Non-commitment becomes the default position. We surf and skim, but our failure to use our freedom to fight for the common good paves the way for tyranny. This indictment finds a poignant picture in the Hunger Games: the comfortable, distracted citizens of District One have turned a blind eye to the oppression of the outer districts, but in choosing amusement, they have also giv…
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Featured image for “Fasting, Feasting, and Ferial Fare”
November 24, 2020

Fasting, Feasting, and Ferial Fare

by Dawn Berkelaar
…hen you fast…” The word ‘when’—not ‘if’—implies that fasting is an assumed practice. Foster also comments more broadly about Jesus’ teaching in that chapter; Jesus talked about fasting “directly in the context of his teaching on giving and praying. It is as if there is an almost unconscious assumption that giving, praying, and fasting are all part of Christian devotion.”2 No Christian argues against the importance of giving or praying, though in p…
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Featured image for “The Richness of Building Character in College Athletics”
September 21, 2015

The Richness of Building Character in College Athletics

by Craig Heynen
…oughness. Athletes learn that to succeed at this level requires consistent training and attention to detail. Gaps in training or neglecting weaknesses typically yield noticeable performance deficiencies. This aspect of college sports provides a very concrete example for many athletes of both the reward of discipline and the disappointment that results when they lose focus. There are also many opportunities for athletes to hone their mental toughne…
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Featured image for “Running the Race”
January 1, 2017

Running the Race

by Rachel Reinink
…up of black coffee as I sat in my chair to mentally prepare myself for the exercise. As I looked outside, I noticed that it was snowing. No big deal, I can run in the snow. And then I noticed that the wind had picked up, and the snow wasn’t exactly falling…but going sideways at this point. I began to talk myself right out of the training run. I had plenty of reasons not to, right? It’s too cold, too windy—and who runs in the snow anyway? But then…
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Featured image for “Seeking Justice in the Workplace”
September 9, 2015

Seeking Justice in the Workplace

by John Taekema
…in order to find solutions to the problems that occur. The workplace is a community of workers. It is comprised of skilled and unskilled workers, managers, and owners. Each important in a unique way, the focus of a union is naturally different than management. Everyone in that community brings their unique skill set (gifts) to serve others. CLAC is a labor union that seeks to do justice in the workplace based on Christian principles that recogniz…
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Featured image for “Fairness for All: Using Civil Rights Law to Protect Distinctively Christian Higher Education”
November 6, 2019

Fairness for All: Using Civil Rights Law to Protect Distinctively Christian Higher Education

by Stanley Carlson-Thies
…and corresponding strong protections for religious institutions, religious exercise, and free speech. The changes would span the broad categories of civil rights protection: employment, housing, public accommodations, consumer credit, government-funded services, jury duty. Fairness for All is a very different proposal than the Equality Act passed last May by the House of Representatives—the Equality Act would add all of those LGBT protections but…
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Featured image for “Living with Less”
May 11, 2017

Living with Less

by Kayt Frisch
…nt of stuff in our home exploded as we added a family member, so I began researching stuff-organizational strategies. About a year ago, in my search for an organizational scheme that would keep my growing family’s stuff (especially the seemingly inevitable hordes of kid-stuff that comes with small children) organized and relatively uncluttered, I read “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo. Kondo’s book, which has now sold more tha…
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Featured image for “A New Resolution: A Review of <em> Resolved </em>”
April 18, 2023

A New Resolution: A Review of Resolved

by Bruce Kuiper, Donald Roth
…classroom lessons or an extracurricular debate program. Through extensive “training in research, thinking, and speaking,”1 students involved in DCI will become future leaders who “have experience and training arguing both or multiple sides of issues so that, by the time they reach adulthood, they will vote for and demand leaders who have these same qualities.”2 Chapter One is a fairly complete argument unto itself, and is one of the strongest chap…
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Featured image for “What Makes Music Christian?”
May 24, 2016

What Makes Music Christian?

by John MacInnis
…r physical injury, and they should have proper training in healthy musical practices. Recent research highlights that fatigue, pain, and negative musculoskeletal symptoms are all too common among musicians, for reasons that include poor training, struggling with excessively demanding literature, and a mismatch between a person’s body and his instrument. There is also the matter of injury to music listeners. For example, the American Osteopathic As…
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Featured image for “Parenting in the Moment”
October 7, 2016

Parenting in the Moment

by Luralyn Helming
…in the National Guard for five years, which included twelve weeks at Basic Training, ten weeks at individual training, as well as the usual one weekend a month and two weeks a year. He worked briefly as a cook, working shift work, but only days or evenings. Then back into law enforcement as a jailer, and the full three shifts again. Today he is in graduate school, commuting to school three days a week and occasionally working in the jail. Since ou…
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Featured image for “Fruit in Keeping with Repentance: A Review of <em>Reparations</em>”
September 28, 2021

Fruit in Keeping with Repentance: A Review of Reparations

by Justin Bailey
…si Coates, “The Case for Reparations,” The Atlantic, May 22, 2014,  ↩  Emerson and Smith studied responses to racism among white evangelicals and found that they resorted to familiar (and limited) cultural tools. They tend to:   minimize the problem (“things have improved so much!”) individualize the problem (“I’m not racist!”) obscure inequality as part of raci…
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Featured image for “Beyond Hero Stories”
March 19, 2019

Beyond Hero Stories

by Justin Bailey
…er my dreams of Bible translation, and I am unsettled in what seems like a comparatively comfortable vocation. Has my passion been tamed? Have I been educated out of my zeal? But at the same time, I feel the force of Robinson’s caution. I teach at a college where I see a familiar missionary fervor in many of my students. For the most part, it encourages me. But I am also aware of how much of my own zeal was an attempt to prove that my life mattere…
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Featured image for “Creating a Culturally Sensitive Classroom”
September 13, 2018

Creating a Culturally Sensitive Classroom

by Barb Hoekstra
…end to make all students, regardless of color or other differences feel welcome and comfortable. They build a caring community so that students get to know each other as quickly as possible and are comfortable with each other and can care for one another. David Smith, author of On Christian Teaching: Practicing Faith in the Classroom suggests teachers spend ten minutes privately with each of their students at the beginning of a semester.1 Sharing…
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Featured image for “A Journey Towards Diversity: A Review of <em>The Next Worship</em>”
October 22, 2020

A Journey Towards Diversity: A Review of The Next Worship

by John MacInnis
…1995), 292.  ↩ Likewise, the Reformer John Calvin taught that all Christ accomplished was to be freely shared, with no regard for himself. It must follow that our identity as disciples of Christ mandates concern for and solidarity with those forced to the margins, the minority, and, indeed, those asking if their lives matter. “The exposition which God gives of his own purpose removes all doubt. The Father is not said to have consulted the advantag…
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Featured image for “No Place to Hide: A Review of “The Line Becomes a River””
August 3, 2018

No Place to Hide: A Review of “The Line Becomes a River”

by Myles Werntz
…fe) which dominates the first section of the work. It is the desire to overcome these forms of strangeness, which comes into view in the second section. This section opens with a story of Cantú’s namesake, Saint Francis of Assisi, in which Francis makes peace with the wolf who is outside the city. In the story, Francis presents himself as a mediator between the city and nature, between the hunger of the wolf and the stability of the city. And as t…
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Featured image for “Voice of the Villains: The Attraction of and Response to Villain Retellings (Part 2)”
February 24, 2022

Voice of the Villains: The Attraction of and Response to Villain Retellings (Part 2)

by Lydia Jayaputra
…eology of Contemporary Culture. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2017.  ↩ Goudzwaard and Batholemew, 166.  ↩ Bailey, 50.  ↩ Sammond, Nicholas. Babes In Tomorrowland: Walt Disney and the Making of the American Child, 1930-1960. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.  ↩ Sammond, 2.  ↩ Sammond, 8….
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Featured image for “When Words Are Weapons: Inside a Crisis of Faith”
September 22, 2020

When Words Are Weapons: Inside a Crisis of Faith

by Justin Bailey
…friends posting information that could be discredited by a simple internet search. But the internet is part of the problem. By “doing our own research,” we can quickly find sources to support almost any opinion we hold. When confronted with evidence that challenges our position, all we have to do is call the credibility of our opponent into question. C.S. Lewis called this intellectual habit Bulverism: “Assume that your opponent is wrong, and expl…
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Featured image for “Maintaining Allegiance: A Review of <em>Compassion & Conviction</em>”
November 5, 2020

Maintaining Allegiance: A Review of Compassion & Conviction

by Donald Roth
for length and not spoiling the book too much, I will limit myself to two examples. Examining ourselves The first example offers a framework and exercise for thinking about how our beliefs are formed. As the authors note, “In many cases our perspective has been so thoroughly shaped—or even discipled—by worldly ideologies that we mistake our flawed ideological positions for Christian positions.” I would argue more strongly that we are undoubtedly…
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Featured image for “The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…”
July 31, 2017

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…

by Shaelee Boender
…us—will you join me in furthering my kingdom? As these parables show, the coming of God’s kingdom is not loud, big, or flashy. Rather the coming of the kingdom is often through the small and seemingly insignificant. But it includes our active participation. It is the stirring in our hearts, the calling we feel pressed upon us from the Lord alone that gives us courage to step in. The kingdom of heaven is like… Perhaps the kingdom of heaven is like…
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The blog.