On this episode of the podcast, I am joined by guest co-host Dr. Tara Boer (professor of social work). Together we interview Dr. Diane Langberg, an internationally recognized psychologist, counselor, and speaker, who is also the author of the book Redeeming Power: Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church (Brazos, 2020). Among the topics we discuss:
- – How do we define power, vulnerability, and abuse? How can we identify “spiritual abuse” in a church context?
- – Why have some Christians been resistant to the #metoo or #churchtoo movements? Are false accusations a legitimate fear?
- – What does it mean to redeem power? What safeguards can be put in place when in male-dominated settings?
- – How do we support victims and help them heal?
- – How have you, during a 50+ year career dealing with these difficult issues, found the courage and hope to continue?
Dr. Tara Boer’s review at In All Things: https://inallthings.org/the-power-within-us-a-review-of-redeeming-power/
Dr. Diane Langberg’s website (lots of resources): https://www.dianelangberg.com/
American Bible Society: Trauma Healing: https://ministry.americanbible.org/trauma-healing/about-trauma-healing
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