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Featured image for “Growing Where You Are Planted: A Review of <em>Them</em>”
January 29, 2019

Growing Where You Are Planted: A Review of Them

by Abby Foreman
…llfully, but it also leads to a question of universality for poor or urban communities. Many communities have historically been without resources and capital, and the local institutions that should have been fostering engagement have not functioned adequately. In these cases, the engagement that is needed may require greater systemic changes than would be needed in other communities where a decent infrastructure already exists. However, even with…
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Featured image for “Fiction and Human Frailty: A Review of <em>Prophets of the Posthuman</em>”
May 2, 2019

Fiction and Human Frailty: A Review of Prophets of the Posthuman

by Myles Werntz
…he end of the sentence; the hubris of technology is simply that humans are free, and thus, never fully containable by the machines that they make. Take a well-known example, Philip K. Dick’s better-known story, “Minority Report.” In this work, police work is done by recourse to what are known as “pre-cogs,” or clairvoyants who can see future actions before they occur, eliminating the guesswork out of crime. This is a fool-proof arrangement, except…
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Featured image for “Deconstructing Purity Culture: A Review of <em>Pure</em>”
June 6, 2019

Deconstructing Purity Culture: A Review of Pure

by Erin Olson
…in girls and women. Once married, however, Christian virgin women are to become the “tigress” of marital sex. Their husband introduces them to the act of marriage and, like a light switch, all of their sexual desires come pouring out and are fulfilled in the marital relationship. Klein’s interviewees, however, tell a different story. The shame and fear around sex and sexuality does not just go away as soon as you enter the marital relationship. Yo…
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Featured image for “iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option”
April 13, 2017

iAt Book Club: The Benedict Option

by Donald Roth
…which many of us are familiar certainly enjoy some degree of wealth and privilege, that was not always the case. I’ll leave it to others if they’d like to argue that things in America are much different today, but if it was possible for blue collar immigrant communities to form BenOp-ish communities 50-100 years ago, such potential isn’t precluded today. We don’t have to agree that the BenOp is the path to take (I do have my questions about some…
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Featured image for “Luther’s Persistent Mentor”
October 30, 2014

Luther’s Persistent Mentor

by Scott Culpepper
…ot be made into a bully by bullying superiors or troublesome inferiors. He exercised the freedom and authority of his office within the church honorably, while still honoring friendship and intellectual honesty. He did not let these goods be set against each other. In such a compromising time and situation, he was not compromised. Sadly this was not the tenor of the reform movement at large, and Luther seems to have been offended by Staupitz’s ref…
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Featured image for “Top 5: Spiritual Formation in Your Home”
August 19, 2022

Top 5: Spiritual Formation in Your Home

by Jessica Joustra
…Given their repetition, these words and actions are easy to memorize and become embedded into hearts and practice. Teach Us to Pray is a wonderful guide for family devotions that embodies the story of scripture in concrete practices, invites us to dwell in the story of scripture with probing questions (helpfully aimed at children), and immerses our families in the words of the Bible. 2. Little Prayers for Ordinary Days by Katy Bowser Hutson, Flo P…
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Featured image for “For the Love of Mathematical Research: A Conversation with Undergraduate Research Students”
August 10, 2021

For the Love of Mathematical Research: A Conversation with Undergraduate Research Students

by Mike Janssen
… “why” behind those patterns.  I think one of the greatest impacts of my research experiences is the practice of not being satisfied with merely recognizing a pattern or performing a calculation. In my future mathematics classes, I believe I will be more likely to ask questions such as: “Why is this theorem true?”, “Why does this pattern occur?”, “Why is this formula valid?” I will want to consider the reasoning behind the concepts we learn and fi…
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Featured image for “Between the World and Me, Michael Brown, and White Imagination”
November 17, 2016

Between the World and Me, Michael Brown, and White Imagination

by Howard Schaap
…flict with “the law” in this way. In fact, many of us within the Christian community seem to have a subconscious view that if you do come into conflict with police, it’s your own fault and you probably get what you deserve. And, sure, this thinking continues, certain people seem more likely to run afoul of police. And yes, there are labels that fit these people – among them “black” or “deplorables” or “the undeserving poor.” Before the most recent…
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Featured image for “The Road: A Review of <em> Touch the Earth </em>”
February 21, 2023

The Road: A Review of Touch the Earth

by Rose Postma
…rint for the future … It flies away but does not leave … It leaves us with questions/ gazing toward heaven/ for answers … Its intent/ to get us to sit/ with the questions again.” The source material of Luke will likely not be new to most readers, but the collection does bring the gospel and its implications to the forefront and allows the reader to meditate and ask questions. And even if Jackson doesn’t say it explicitly, the intent is for the rea…
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Featured image for “Top 5: Movies to Watch with Teenagers”
September 2, 2022

Top 5: Movies to Watch with Teenagers

by Josh Matthews
…enagers the best of the best! This ten-episode series of interlocking one-hour films is ostensibly framed by the Ten Commandments; with each movie focusing on one commandment—or does it? Set in late-communist Poland, director Krzystof Kieslowski weaved the particular situation of communist-era Poles with universal questions of morality and how to apply it in thorny, ultra-complex scenarios. Few movies have come close to depicting the confusion and…
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Featured image for “Too Young to Marry?”
August 23, 2016

Too Young to Marry?

by Leah Zuidema
…a relationship that gets me what I want and gets you what you want–without compromises, complications, distractions, or sacrifice. It’s an unrealistic view to bring to marriage, at any age. But even when those questions are asked with an eye toward mutual benefit for each spouse, they can be problematic. They can make an idol of “us” and “what we want” instead of considering how the marriage helps the couple to love the Lord wholeheartedly and lov…
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Featured image for “Remaining in Restlessness: A Review of<em> The Gift of Restlessness</em>”
June 6, 2023

Remaining in Restlessness: A Review of The Gift of Restlessness

by Anna Mooers
…much of Jesus’ ministry was rewiring pathways in his followers’ minds, for example, Jesus often said, “You have heard it said…but I say to you.” We need some of this rewiring when it comes to our mindset on what is enough. A mindset of abundance rather than scarcity “leads us to a non-anxious posture toward the world.”3 As we sit in silence and solitude with the Lord, we are reminded that God must be enough. Can Things Be Mended? The fourth circum…
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Featured image for “The Gospel’s Joyful Tiding: A Review of <em> Interpreting Your World</em>”
December 6, 2022

The Gospel’s Joyful Tiding: A Review of Interpreting Your World

by Jessica Joustra
…understand.  Throughout this text, Bailey offers practical tools, concrete examples, and probing questions to further the conversation. Blanketed in the virtues of faith, hope, and love, Interpreting Your World is a must-read book for those both academically interested in the relationship between theology and culture and for those who are simply striving to live faithfully as those within and engaged in the culture(s) around them.  Bailey ends thi…
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Featured image for “Social Issues on Social Media”
January 20, 2017

Social Issues on Social Media

by Neal DeRoo
…nds. On the other hand, the meme-ing of social issues can sometimes reduce complex webs of cause and effect into simplistic “good guy v. bad guy” narratives that make it easy to become angered and indignant (almost always at someone else), but do little, if anything, to change the conditions which led to the problem in the first place. When it becomes a story of the good guys and the bad guys, we almost never cast ourselves as the bad guys, and it…
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Featured image for “A Christian Way to Work”
April 7, 2016

A Christian Way to Work

by Andrew Peterson
…ose capable of diving deepest into the minutiae of obscure thinkers. These examples come from academic life, but they should resonate with some of the same destructive dynamics that mark any workplace. What makes these things un-Christian? Is refraining from destructive habits enough to make the work truly Christian? We can learn two valuable lessons from the bad examples I just mentioned. The first important lesson is that our work, no matter wha…
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Featured image for “2020 Top Podcasts”
December 10, 2020

2020 Top Podcasts

by Emily Rowe
…ear? What podcasts would you recommend to the readers of iAt? Leave your recommendations in the comments. The Christian Humanist Podcast with Victoria Farmer “Three Christians, teachers, and intellectuals gather digitally to hold forth on literature, theology, philosophy, and other things human beings do well. Taking the question at hand utterly seriously and ourselves not at all, the Christian Humanists attempt to record weekly during the school…
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Featured image for “Young People and Faith: Encountering God “In All Things””
July 22, 2015

Young People and Faith: Encountering God “In All Things”

by Jason Lief
…firm the promise God’s gives us in Jesus Christ. The task of the Christian community is to come alongside young people in the midst of their experiences, inviting them to come to the table so together we might taste and see that the Lord is good as our eyes are opened to the God who greets us in our creaturely life. Dig Deeper This week at iAt, we are featuring articles on experiencing the presence of God. On Monday, Jeff Ploegstra helped us consi…
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Featured image for “Two Books That Will Contribute to Your Happiness”
July 30, 2020

Two Books That Will Contribute to Your Happiness

by Dave Schelhaas
…Oates, and Louise Erdrich.You might ask “And how, David Schelhaas, did you come to reside in such elite company?” If I tell you that Stan Wiersma (Sietze Buining), Rod Jellema, Randall VanderMey, and Carl Kromminga also have poems included in this anthology, and if you have a Calvin College connection of some kind, you may have figured out that the editor of this collection, Barry Koops, is a Calvin graduate who found a few poets among his fellow…
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Featured image for “Experiencing God’s Presence in the Life of Academia”
July 21, 2015

Experiencing God’s Presence in the Life of Academia

by Benjamin Lappenga
…ope, sketching a proof, sifting through a treatise, designing a bridge, or composing a poem. The second story comes from the middle of my Ph.D. studies, when I took a difficult language exam right before leaving on vacation to visit family. Soon after, I received a cryptic email from one of my supervisors saying that although I had passed the exam, a face-to-face meeting was needed to discuss it. Since I was out of town, the meeting had to be put…
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Featured image for “Education for All”
March 30, 2015

Education for All

by Kathleen Van Tol
…I conduct research for my intent to create an organization, as well as to complete my Senior Capstone research. Please let me know if there would be an opportunity for us to speak about some of my ideas. Ideally, I would love to meet you and see some of your successes first hand during my trip. Helping Special Needs Children – The Voice […] do not have enough resources for regular classrooms, much less for special programs. (see www.inallthings.o…
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Featured image for “The Spirit’s Groaning”
June 6, 2017

The Spirit’s Groaning

by Robert Lancaster
…| Dave Try this, Pray it daily, Helena Always remember Jesus came so that you can have a personal relationship with Him, The church is made up of a body of believers, who struggle with issues, you would never know. The church is the hospital were sick people go to receive medicine ( Gods word) in order to live in relation…
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Featured image for “Friendship and the Power of Holiness”
October 27, 2018

Friendship and the Power of Holiness

by Aimee Byrd
…rist helps us to understand this better. It is an even higher calling that comes with rights and obligations. Are we capable of becoming a sincere friend to our brothers and sisters in Christ? And how does this extend to unbelievers? Friendship changes us. It is a virtue that we need to develop, and there are close to sixty “one another” verses in Scripture teaching us how. God’s household promotes friendship, as it requires rooted identity, missi…
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Featured image for “Dear Christians in America”
September 28, 2016

Dear Christians in America

by Aaron Baart
…argument is severely reductionistic, contending that each election really comes down to a single cut-and-dry partisan issue. However, even stereotypical partisan lines fall apart within this line of reasoning. Take for example, the classic Christian “rallying cry” issue of abortion. This might surprise many to know, but abortion rates in the US have actually fallen more under Obama (a Democrat!) than any other US president.1 Or conversely, consid…
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Featured image for “Reimagining the Discussion and Expression of Masculinity”
March 12, 2019

Reimagining the Discussion and Expression of Masculinity

by Joshua Beckett
…he reality that males “have historically been the focus of psychological research and practice as a normative referent for behavior rather than as gendered human beings” (3), and delineating the interlocking complexities that necessitate the new guidelines. These include: the disproportionate frequency of learning disabilities and behavior problems among boys, the overrepresentation of men in prison and suicide statistics, the underrepresentation…
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Featured image for “Working With an Infant”
February 29, 2016

Working With an Infant

by Kayt Frisch
…hild who loves God and others and is smart and socially well-adjusted. The practices that lead to this goal seem rather nebulous, especially at the infant stage of development, and truth be told, they probably don’t really inform my daily practice as much as the pictures of mothers I observed growing up. I grew up in a conservative homeschooling family – my mother quit her job as an engineer to homeschool my brother and I, and we “did” (or tried t…
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The blog.