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Featured image for “What Does the Fawkes Say? History and Public Festivity   ”
October 3, 2017

What Does the Fawkes Say? History and Public Festivity   

by Scott Culpepper
…on of Guy Fawkes is a great example of how iconic historical figures can become completely separated from their real-life inspiration. The real Guy Fawkes was acting to secure religious freedom for English Catholics, but only so that they could then ban Protestantism. His methods, which would have caused many deaths, are certainly questionable. This sobering reality is important, especially in our troubled times, when religious radicals are all to…
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Featured image for “Soccer 2, Saints 0: World Soccer as a Rival to Traditional Religion”
February 1, 2017

Soccer 2, Saints 0: World Soccer as a Rival to Traditional Religion

by Scott Waalkes
…his young man and others, the “beautiful game” (as soccer is often called) competes fiercely with religious communities for the time and attention of adherents who would rather be fans or direct participants in playful games. Each moment they spend on soccer is a moment spent away from traditional religious activities. This is a problem for Christian communities that cannot be ignored. Detail from t-shirt for sale on e-Bay While Reformed Christian…
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Featured image for “The Healing Mission of Christ”
April 29, 2015

The Healing Mission of Christ

by Darren Stoub
…r over his servants. Such servants we all should be to God; we must go and come, according to the directions of his word and the disposals of his providence. But when the Son of man comes he finds little faith, therefore he finds little fruit. An outward profession may cause us to be called children of the kingdom; but if we rest in that, and have nothing else to show, we shall be cast out. The servant got a cure of his disease, and the master got…
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Featured image for “Milestones and Resolutions”
January 4, 2022

Milestones and Resolutions

by Ruth Clark
…milestone that brings about needed reflection and resolutions for this upcoming year. ↩ ↩…
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Featured image for “Is America Looking to Politics to Meet its Spiritual Needs?”
July 5, 2018

Is America Looking to Politics to Meet its Spiritual Needs?

by Myles Werntz
…f confession and pardon, of peace and of challenge. Let us not give up the completely inefficient practice of being in one another’s presence, for that is the way in which the world is changed. The concrete meeting together which characterizes political life is not without its flaws or limitations. Any concrete meeting conceals information, obfuscates intentions, and hides the long game which its participants are after; we would be foolish to assu…
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Featured image for “Windy Weighty Words of Lament”
March 9, 2023

Windy Weighty Words of Lament

by Rylan Brue
…n the Psalms, trans. Arthur Golding (1571),  ↩ In a recent lecture at Calvin Seminary, Dr. Esau McCaulley was asked to comment on the disappointment expressed by many young people making their way toward the exit doors of churches across the United States. His answer was sympathetic but cutting. Disappointment with the church, he said, is nothing new for the Black church. In fact, the failure…
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Featured image for “Answering Your Question–Leadership and Power”
October 1, 2014

Answering Your Question–Leadership and Power

by Neal DeRoo
…ticular kinds of creatures in particular ways: an educational setting, for example, requires people who need to learn something and people who can communicate what needs to be learned; hence, you have the offices of ‘student’ and ‘teacher,’ respectively. Because it is based on the ways that certain creatures relate to each other, an office necessarily has limited scope and authority: it only pertains to those particular creatures, and even then on…
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Featured image for “What Did the Supreme Court Decide About the Contraception Mandate?”
May 18, 2016

What Did the Supreme Court Decide About the Contraception Mandate?

by Donald Roth
…namely, whether this regulation substantially burdened the organizations’ free exercise of religion, and, if it did, whether this regulation was the least restrictive means of pursuing a compelling governmental interest. For more on how courts analyze this issue, see my article covering the Dordt v. Burwell decision. ↩ The ACA does not cover male contraception. ↩ That is, after losing in the lower courts, many of the challengers continued to refu…
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Featured image for “Made Quietly Holy: <em>A Review of Looking East in Winter</em>”
December 10, 2021

Made Quietly Holy: A Review of Looking East in Winter

by Myles Werntz
…gy—including election, how to read Scripture, or how to order society, for example—will come away perplexed, in that Williams does not address these controversies to be of the utmost importance. Western theological controversies can depend on seeing the world as divided from God—that some are called and others not, or that our knowledge of God must be mediated to creaturely limits. But it is this division between God’s presence and the world which…
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Featured image for “When You Fast: Fasting and the Ultimate Purpose of Your Life”
March 23, 2016

When You Fast: Fasting and the Ultimate Purpose of Your Life

by Shane Heilman
…others? No. The true result of a God-pleasing fast is justice, equity and freedom, both physically and spiritually, amongst humankind. God wants to see people rescued from snares of the devil. God wants to see the oppressed set free. He wants to see worldy burdens lifted from the poor. The Lord wants the hungry fed, the homeless sheltered, the naked clothed, and the needs of our brothers and sisters provided for. It has become clear to me through…
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Featured image for “Working through Possibilities: A Scientist Reviews <em> When Did Sin Begin? </em>”
May 31, 2022

Working through Possibilities: A Scientist Reviews When Did Sin Begin?

by Tony Jelsma
…the first things I tell them is that this class will not answer all their questions. Instead, they will see the complexity of this issue, and that people who honor both Scripture and science can come to different conclusions. Haarsma’s book is a good illustration of this fact. Even if one agrees on the science, the theological interpretations are more difficult, but not impossible, to sort out. It almost makes one long for the simple and clear an…
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Featured image for “Reading as the Reformers: A Review of “Jeremiah, Lamentations””
September 15, 2018

Reading as the Reformers: A Review of “Jeremiah, Lamentations”

by Stephen Shaffer
…our own reading of Scripture. On the one hand, many contemporary critical commentaries become fixated on reconstructing the original historical context and/or the original form of the text. On the other hand, many “practical” commentaries focus almost exclusively on how the Bible speaks into the life of the individual Christian. Jeremiah, Lamentations demonstrates how Reformation era commentators held both of these desires without falling into th…
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Featured image for “Bicycles, Bridge-Building, and Commuting Intentionally: A Review of <em>Saving Us</em>”
April 13, 2022

Bicycles, Bridge-Building, and Commuting Intentionally: A Review of Saving Us

by Jason Ho
…weighed the pros and cons. Pros:Cons:I’m in control of my own schedule I’m committing to the commute no matter the weather Buses have bike racks, so I can take the bus if I change my mind I can’t carry as much as with a vehicle I get some exercise every day Biking can be dangerous in a car-centric city Biking is normally cheaper than driving   Car engines are energetically inefficient    As a physicist, it’s the last point that really interested m…
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Featured image for “Making Room for Advent—Love”
December 15, 2022

Making Room for Advent—Love

by April Fiet
…re–living people created to glorify God. 3. Keeping in mind the answers to questions 1 and 2: what does it mean for our souls to magnify the Lord? I have come to believe that our souls magnify the Lord when we are most fully who God created us to be. 2nd century bishop Irenaeus is famously quoted as having written, “The glory of God is a human being fully alive,” and while that translation isn’t exactly what Irenaeus wrote, I believe it is a true…
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Featured image for “How to Get a Job”
September 10, 2015

How to Get a Job

by Liz Moss
…r family. Answer questions with examples of specific situations. Do your research on the company and be able to say why you are interested in working for the company. After the interview, follow up with a thank-you note either by email or as a written note. Companies want to hire good people so don’t be afraid to distinguish yourself from the rest of the candidates. Readers of iAt, what advice do you give to those who are on the job search? What t…
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Featured image for “Movie Review “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?””
October 5, 2018

Movie Review “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”

by Josh Matthews
…to the show. His core theological doctrine was a twist on the Second Great Commandment: love your neighbor and love yourself. The “love yourself” part resembles the feel-good, power-of-positive-thinking dogmas of Presbyterian pastors of the mid-twentieth-century era, such as Norman Vincent Peale and Robert Schuller. So was Rogers a self-esteem-promoting follower of Peale, and did his show pander to his audience, as Rogers has been accused of doing…
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Featured image for “All of Life”
September 17, 2014

All of Life

by Jonathan De Groot
…fferent levels of intentionality and purpose are at play. In true Reformed practice, we come to God in “response” to his call or action in our life.1 It is true that all of life is worship. Our lives are meant to be lived in response to the grace of God. We are meant to offer our bodies as living sacrifices and practice obedience and Christian discipline.2 We encourage the expression of art, the discovery of science and the industry of labor as a…
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Featured image for “The Truth of Peace in Christ”
January 26, 2021

The Truth of Peace in Christ

by Regina Chow Trammel
…dst confusion and distress? Christian mindfulness has been a focus of my research for the past six years, and its practices will be in a book I have written with Zondervan Publishers, launching in September 2021. In this upcoming book, I define Christian mindfulness as “making time to turn our whole attention to God so we can hear and abide by His voice above the chatter and stress of our lives”. There has been much chatter and stress during this…
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Featured image for “Psalm 81”
March 21, 2017

Psalm 81

by Amy DeGroot Bowling
…from something that distracts them from God. Others “take on” a spiritual practice or discipline for Lent; they commit to pray daily, to read Scripture with a friend, to eat simple meals and give the money saved to a charity. The simple practices of Lent can remind us to not have “stubborn hearts, to follow our own devices” (v. 12) instead of God’s ways. Not satisfying every hunger we have can make us more aware of our hunger for God, and aware o…
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Featured image for “Giving Grace to Everyone but Myself”
November 24, 2015

Giving Grace to Everyone but Myself

by Kayla Craig
…ed our projections for the idolatry that they are and gave us the way to become free of them. It takes a profound conversion to accept that God is relentlessly tender and compassionate toward us just as we are – not in spite of our sins and faults (that would not be total acceptance) but with them. Though God does not condone or sanction evil, He does not withhold His love because there is evil in us.” I’ve taken the posture that those who proclai…
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Featured image for “Market Capitalism and Caring for “the Least of These””
December 18, 2014

Market Capitalism and Caring for “the Least of These”

by Dave Schelhaas
…ving one’s life in Christ. And a most significant part of that life of joy comes in loving our neighbor, especially that neighbor who is one of the least that Christ talks of in Matthew 25 with such compassion. How we can best love and serve that neighbor is not always easy to determine in our modern economy but a look at the Pope’s discussion of the social dimensions of the gospel, especially his emphasis on the workings of the free market and it…
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Featured image for “A Proton’s Pilgrimage: A Review of <em> Dawn </em>”
June 22, 2023

A Proton’s Pilgrimage: A Review of Dawn

by Jason Ho
…carefully sketching each stage along the way. Another year, I spent hours searching rotting logs and mulch in the park at the end of our street, trying to find the perfect example of a slime mold protist. I devoured books about nature, space, geology, and all aspects of the natural world.   As I grew up and moved onto high school, I slowly began to pay attention to the diversity of voices around me. Some encouraged me further in my curiosity of t…
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Featured image for “How Do I Feel?: A Review of <em>Atlas of the Heart</em>”
April 28, 2022

How Do I Feel?: A Review of Atlas of the Heart

by Angela Kroeze Visser
…uman emotion and develop a theory of human connection while also providing compelling connections to other research and to potentially helpful actions. Yet Brown does at least part of what she sets out to do, to “deliver work that is empirically based and accessible and that resonates with our lived experiences and lived language” (xxvii). She draws not only on her own research, but also on the work of others to deliver a concise summary of resear…
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Featured image for “Active Imaginations: A Review of <em>Wonders of Creation</em>”
January 17, 2023

Active Imaginations: A Review of Wonders of Creation

by Hannah Landman
…, “Lament allows us to confront the truths we have ignored for the sake of comfort and gives those of us living in comfort a means to petition God on behalf of our neighbors in need.”2 “By slowing down, we can begin to know the world around us, begin to see creation as the place where God dwells.” Images of a ransacked shire, Isengard’s plunder of the Ents, of trees in Lantern Waste being cut down, naturally inspire readers to some measure of ange…
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Featured image for “God’s Mission Has a Church”
May 16, 2016

God’s Mission Has a Church

by Tanner Smith
…uld do. Your perceived identity—whether human or organizational—shapes the questions you ask about the community you live in, and the future you hope for. Identity shapes curiosity. Identity shapes passion. Identity shapes fear and hope. When a congregation’s identity is wrapped up in the mission of God, it can move beyond mimicking culture, or being hostile toward it, to creating it. It’s All About the Work of the People Initially, this work land…
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The blog.