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Featured image for “The Job-Hunting Mom”
March 3, 2016

The Job-Hunting Mom

by M.J.
…ay out late in the evening because I needed to put my daughter to bed. The search committee was quite willing to accommodate these requests (had they not, I would not have wanted to work there – a decision made easy!). Job-hunting aside, raising a child is work, to be sure. So is the act of homemaking, and if/when both my husband and I have full-time jobs, we will probably eat fewer home-cooked meals, garden less, and pay someone to care for our d…
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Featured image for “What a Teacher Can Add that Google Can’t”
September 13, 2016

What a Teacher Can Add that Google Can’t

by Al Bandstra
…any of those things really matter. Those who fret that technology will eventually replace teachers may appreciate, “This Will Revolutionize Education” (Recommended by my 7th grade son, who enjoys researching topics of interest online. ↩…
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Featured image for “NDAs: How should Christians think about Non-Disclosure Agreements?”
May 16, 2023

NDAs: How should Christians think about Non-Disclosure Agreements?

by Donald Roth
…rch, Harvest Bible Chapel, Hillsong Church, Hillsong College, Willow Creek Community Church, Acts 29, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and Ramsey Solutions.”  The author of that same article goes on to say, “We have to face the fact that the existence of NDAs in Christian organizations is a worse witness for the church than any information that might come out in their absence. The concealment of truth and the appearance of image management…
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Featured image for “In, For, and Becoming All Things Within God’s Family: A Review of <em>Becoming All Things</em>”
July 14, 2021

In, For, and Becoming All Things Within God’s Family: A Review of Becoming All Things

by Chandra Crane
…ew book, Dr. Michelle Ami Reyes dives deep into the scriptural truths of becoming all things, sharing the urgency of this biblical practice. She also gives a framework for approaching the work of creating lasting connections, something which can seem daunting. Reyes lays out the complex factors and assumptions behind foundational ideas like “culture” and “stereotyping,” reminding us that these discussions “must begin with our mental processes, bec…
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Featured image for “Why Doesn’t the U.S. Mandate Paid Leave?”
June 12, 2018

Why Doesn’t the U.S. Mandate Paid Leave?

by Donald Roth
…U.S. do indeed lag substantially behind other nations. However, even this comparison is complicated by trying to make complex bureaucratic schemes uniform, and parental leave itself is often spread out over multiple years of eligibility, which only further complicates things. The last wrench I’ll throw at this is that using these benefits is always in place of getting paid for work, and this means that anytime benefits are substantially below a p…
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Featured image for “Speaking is About the Hearer: A Review of <em> Speaking by the Numbers </em>”
August 3, 2022

Speaking is About the Hearer: A Review of Speaking by the Numbers

by Dave Mulder
…proach: describing what different listeners need, and then giving specific examples to illustrate what this looks like in practice. “Knowing your own type, with your specific strengths and weaknesses as a presenter, is obviously key.” His concluding chapter was, in my opinion, the most useful of all. Speakers need to recognize that their audience will almost always include many of the Enneagram types, if not all. In a few brief pages, Palmer summa…
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Featured image for “Why Should the U.S. Have Paid Family Leave?”
July 28, 2018

Why Should the U.S. Have Paid Family Leave?

by Chelsea Maxwell
…disciples who will, in turn, contribute to the development of families and communities. Within families, children learn what it is to be a member of a family, a neighborhood, and a community. In our families, we learn to care for one another well and learn how to extend that care to our neighbors. Healthy families contribute directly to the health of their members. Children receive the nurture and care in families that lay a foundation for the res…
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Featured image for “Recovering a Grammar for the Soul: A Review of <em>The Logic of the Body</em>”
March 29, 2021

Recovering a Grammar for the Soul: A Review of The Logic of the Body

by Donald Roth
…contains four particularly helpful characteristics: It views humanity as a composite, moldable whole. This composite whole features tiered characteristics, including a higher and lower appetite and the possibility of conflict between these tiers. The higher powers govern the lower politically, not mechanically. This model explains how humans can possess imperfect (civic) virtue apart from special grace, while true virtue requires that grace. After…
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Featured image for “Supporting Football: the Physical Damage of the Game”
January 31, 2015

Supporting Football: the Physical Damage of the Game

by Greg Youngblood
…h long term serious affects, especially at the professional levels where a combination of genetically freakish athletes in their physical prime, given the optimal training in strength, speed, and mechanics make for the perfect storm of potential injury. However, the vast majority of people who participate in football do not fit in this category. Most high school and college athletic trainers and coaches in football report around a 5%-20% concussio…
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Featured image for “Expecting: Being Ready”
December 14, 2015

Expecting: Being Ready

by Dave Mulder
…ng-so-how-will-you-be-ready? sort of readiness. Being prepared in this way comes through training and equipping. Scouts practice their skills, and they learn by doing. They have mentors (scoutmasters) who help them develop their thinking and abilities. When Jesus admonished his disciples with this teaching about being ready, he had been teaching them, training them, equipping them for the work involved. It might seem silly to picture Jesus as a sc…
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Featured image for “The Proliferation of Life”
September 2, 2015

The Proliferation of Life

by Aaron Baart
…-life!” And of course, this line of questioning forces us to ask even more questions about military solutions to diplomatic tensions or the threat of violence, merely for the cause of self-protection. For example, consider this bumper sticker I saw the other day in a local parking lot. The sticker claims to be pro-life, but is the message really consistently pro-life? Photo by Aaron Baart I’ve also heard it said that you aren’t really pro-life unt…
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Featured image for “Gender & Authority: Finding Doxological Authority in the Church”
September 6, 2017

Gender & Authority: Finding Doxological Authority in the Church

by April Fiet
…rld with the authority of Christ. The authority I have in ministry doesn’t come from a denomination, or from a region, or from a local church. These structures have promised to come alongside and support me. These structures have confirmed the call from God that led me into the ministry I’m in today. I have submitted myself willingly to their authority and discipline. But, ultimately, any authority I might have is Christ’s authority and not my own…
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Featured image for “A Beautiful Crucible: Motherhood as Discipleship”
May 3, 2016

A Beautiful Crucible: Motherhood as Discipleship

by Dawn Berkelaar
…c and lasting way.” One of the best things I can do as a mother is to show compassion to myself and exercise my role as mom from a place of worthiness. To quote Brené Brown again (in Daring Greatly), “If we want our children to love and accept who they are, our job is to love and accept who we are. We can’t use fear, shame, blame, and judgement in our own lives if we want to raise courageous children. Compassion and connection—the very things that…
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Featured image for “Keep the Hope Alive: A Review of <em>Imagining Theology</em>”
July 23, 2020

Keep the Hope Alive: A Review of Imagining Theology

by Justin Bailey
…cipate in the mystery to which theology testifies, which requires “patient training and practice” (40). I will allow Green to have the final word: The role of Christians in a post-Christian age is to keep alive the hope that is in us, abiding in the confidence that God remains faithful to his promise. Our age is not the first time that Christian believers have needed to keep the lamp of hope burning in the midst of a seemingly hopeless situation…….
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Featured image for “Joined in Heart and Will: A Review of <em>Reformed Public Theology</em>”
October 21, 2021

Joined in Heart and Will: A Review of Reformed Public Theology

by Todd Zuidema
…llard. Dillard attended the funeral of a man who was well-respected in his community for his faith and service. As the man was eulogized, a pattern emerged. He was commended for his generosity, kindness, and service, but as his death approached, people shared the common refrain, “…none of that really mattered anymore. All that mattered was his love for Jesus” (300). Yes, our love for Jesus matters, but it matters in our living, as well as in our d…
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Featured image for “Cultivating a Biblical Imagination”
October 13, 2015

Cultivating a Biblical Imagination

by Jason Lief
…what does the text say? And who gets to decide? When I read Augustine, for example, I don’t come away with a scientific reading of the text. (Honestly… I’m not always sure I know what he’s talking about.) If the meaning of the biblical text is always the shallow, literalistic reading, I’m not sure Augustine would have converted to Christianity. Not that he’s the standard of orthodoxy, but Calvin seemed to take him very seriously. A positive impact…
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Featured image for “Cultivating Organic Creativity: A Review of <em> The Imagination Machine </em>”
July 21, 2022

Cultivating Organic Creativity: A Review of The Imagination Machine

by Donald Roth
…ted by a 5 year old partnered with his 29 year old brother. The non sequiturs and absurdity of both are hilarious, but the first is funny for the things it gets right (but still so wrong) in copying Batman, the other is funny for its creative improvisations that elevate the comic to become a new thing entirely.  ↩ p. 7  ↩ Abraham Kuyper, Our Program: A Christian Political Manifesto, trans. and ed., Harry Van Dyke (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 201…
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Featured image for “Data and Discourse: A Review of <em>The Data Detective</em>”
October 19, 2021

Data and Discourse: A Review of The Data Detective

by Kayt Frisch
…ncluded, would you learn something different? Demand transparency when the computer says no. When a computer algorithm (program) makes a prediction based on a large set of data, question why the algorithm works. What underlying assumptions are present in the model? Don’t take statistical bedrock for granted. What is the source of (or who is producing) the data being used? Do these statisticians have a reputation for honesty, openness, and integrit…
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Featured image for “A Goodness Culture: A Review of <em>A Church Called Tov</em>”
July 1, 2021

A Goodness Culture: A Review of A Church Called Tov

by Abby Foreman
…tov focuses less on a powerful leader and more on the active local church community committed to key virtues of goodness that promote healing and health within the church community. I would like to see a part three in this book that includes suggestions for structural changes in governance and policy-oriented solutions that could be employed in our churches to reduce abuse and avoid toxic cultures. There are resources available like safe church p…
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Featured image for “Do Cameras Make a Difference? The Death of Eric Garner and another “No Indictment””
December 4, 2014

Do Cameras Make a Difference? The Death of Eric Garner and another “No Indictment”

by Donald Roth
…ly died an hour later in the hospital. After an investigation, the Medical Examiner ruled Mr. Garner’s death a homicide brought on by compression of Mr. Garner’s neck and chest.1 However, and this is why I’m writing today, a Staten Island grand jury on Wednesday decided to return no bill of indictment against the officer who administered the chokehold. This raises a natural question: if body cameras are supposed to help clear up the record, why wa…
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Featured image for “Lead Me Not into Temptation”
November 18, 2015

Lead Me Not into Temptation

by Neal DeRoo
…ght be necessary in the short term, it should be so only as long as we are training people to control their eyes. In this case, every dress code should be accompanied by a plan to address how we plan on ‘fixing’ the perverted sexuality. What is the plan for teaching and training in self-control? When do we expect that plan to be successful, such that the dress code will no longer be necessary (not because people will stop wearing clothes like that…
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Featured image for “We’re in the Kid Business”
August 6, 2015

We’re in the Kid Business

by Josh Bowar
…been most discipled and equipped have been when I’ve been pushed out of my comfort zone. Our students need the same. They need to get actual experiences practicing discipleship, with the school being a true training ground — kind of a boot camp— for the world in which they live. They need to gain tools and understanding so they are equipped to be effective followers of Christ and servers of others, both now and in the future. It’s our deep desire…
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Featured image for “To Those Who Know a Hurting Child”
February 4, 2015

To Those Who Know a Hurting Child

by Tara Boer
…ogy than ever before. Take the time to read some research, attend a trauma training, and ask questions. Know the signs of abuse and common responses to trauma. A few of my favorite authors/trainers are Dr. Karen Purvis (Texas Christian University), Dr. Daniel Siegel, Dr Tina Payne Bryson & Eliana Gil. Be vigilant: Abuse, neglect, and trauma happen here. It happens everywhere. These are kids in your neighborhoods, your classrooms, and your church p…
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Featured image for “The Book of Job and Our Human Suffering”
June 21, 2018

The Book of Job and Our Human Suffering

by James Calvin Schaap
…t can be told in any language. A beloved child who is no longer among us becomes a pained absence realized in every community around the world. I stood there in the wet grass of that country churchyard as if no time had passed; stood there that morning as if gathered around me were all the saints of Riverview Presbyterian, a whole crowd of witnesses of every race and creed. There’s not much more to say than what’s inscribed there in the weathered…
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Featured image for “Against Common Sense”
May 2, 2018

Against Common Sense

by Channon Visscher
…seemed to contradict.”4 Against Common Sense The world is full of similar examples of phenomena that defy common sense or casual observation. It defies common sense that the Earth is moving at 67,000 mph in its orbit around the Sun, yet spacecraft observations capture the Earth in its orbit as a pale blue dot caught in a Sun beam; that the North American continent beneath our feet is gradually sliding away from the African continent, yet GPS meas…
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The blog.