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Featured image for “Letting Go”
June 23, 2021

Letting Go

by Dawn Berkelaar
…also want him to make choices that stem from his own convictions. There is freedom in letting go of my expectations for what he will do and who he will be. And there is comfort in knowing that God understands and cares for him and for my other children on a level deeper than I do. I have prayed for my children all along, but more and more I pray that the Spirit will help me let go appropriately, and that my children will know the love of Christ an…
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Featured image for “Big Oil and Climate Change Denial”
October 18, 2018

Big Oil and Climate Change Denial

by Emily Rowe
…, and the Cornwall Alliance are all financed by secret money—much of which comes from oil companies. However, it is difficult to prove this since corporate donations are often channeled through many different donor groups. Nevertheless, the Cornwall Alliance’s commitment to increasing fossil fuel consumption is blatant, and though it was made under the guise of a Christian commitment to the poor, it denies all scientific research that reveals the…
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Featured image for “Boasting is Our Worship”
January 19, 2017

Boasting is Our Worship

by Kristen Uroda
…did not just set a ladder for us to go up, but God intended for Christ to come down. Seeing honestly the obstacles, the pain, the battles, the fear, and yet still believing that the goodness of God intervenes in our world, here and now—that is hope. Because hope isn’t something tacked on to the gospel as an afterthought. It’s not wishful thinking, weakness, or blind optimism that acts as if problems don’t exist. Hope isn’t a life raft we just hav…
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Featured image for “Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets”
August 4, 2017

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

by Josh Matthews
…ghts keep rolling for awhile. Valerian and Laureline proceed to Alpha, the free-floating space station that houses people from a thousand planets. Alpha is the most original spaceship since Dark City, but calling it just a spaceship is an artistic injustice. It is so vast and diverse that it could be the setting for a thousand unique movies. Valerian spends limited time at Alpha. Valerian and Laureline go everywhere possible. An underwater submari…
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Featured image for “Ending Hunger”
February 25, 2016

Ending Hunger

by David Beckmann
…a fundamental shift in our national priorities by 2017. That shift has to come through our communications with our representatives in government (Congress) and with our votes. Advocacy allows us to bring the world into a closer communion with God, aligning it with the beautiful visions set forth in the Bible. Dig Deeper David Beckmann will be giving the opening keynote address for the Global Agriculture Summit, focusing on the biblical call to fl…
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Featured image for “The Case for Christ”
May 22, 2017

The Case for Christ

by Josh Matthews
…ers here chose a more intriguing subplot to augment Strobel’s historical research. Strobel also investigates a cop-shooting involving what appears to be a police informant. He is convinced about the truth of the case when he uncovers new evidence, only to discover later that overlooked evidence could change his view completely. These scenes of the crime subplot, while undeveloped as a possible main storyline, provide far more intrigue than Strobel…
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Featured image for “Reading in Context: Zacchaeus and the Economics of Salvation”
April 24, 2018

Reading in Context: Zacchaeus and the Economics of Salvation

by Benjamin Lappenga
…fascinating moment in Luke’s presentation of Jesus’ ministry: what will become of someone who is all of these things? The answer comes when Zacchaeus is given a chance to present Jesus with his economic practices, which Jesus evaluates according to whether a person acts consistently as a child of Abraham. John the Baptist announces that “God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham” (3:8), and then tells the people that what it m…
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Featured image for “Advent: A Thrill of Hope”
December 3, 2019

Advent: A Thrill of Hope

by Howard Schaap
…s by His cradle we stand. So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming, Here come the wise men from the Orient land. Here they come—Balthasar, Melchior, and Gaspar. The English version goes on to emphasize the humanity of Christ, how similar he became to us in weakness. If stanza one emphasizes the soul, stanza two emphasizes the body and our humble response: The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger; In all our trials born to be our friend. He kno…
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Featured image for “Do Bakers Have to Bake Cakes for Same-Sex Weddings?”
June 6, 2018

Do Bakers Have to Bake Cakes for Same-Sex Weddings?

by Donald Roth
…ase, and it failed to do so. At the hearings conducted by the Civil Rights Commission, several commissioners showed hostility to the idea that religious beliefs have any bearing on commercial activity. At one point, a commissioner went so far as to say, “Freedom of religion and religion has been used to justify all kinds of discrimination throughout history, whether it be slavery, whether it be the holocaust, whether it be—I mean, we—we can list h…
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Featured image for “Joy in the Anticipation”
December 11, 2016

Joy in the Anticipation

by John Baas
…will be unfathomably better). Let us put all our hope in the Lord, who reigns forever. He brings joy to every heart. He comes! He comes!…
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Featured image for “Can We Be Pragmatic and Prophetic in the Age of Trump?”
January 23, 2017

Can We Be Pragmatic and Prophetic in the Age of Trump?

by Donald Roth
…mparing Trump to Hitler signals a certain absolute moral alignment that welcomes progressives to becoming undiscerning advocates of the “good guys,” and the clearer that the morality of opposition to Republican policies becomes, the easier it will be to think of the progressive agenda in religious terms. As soon as “speaking truth to power” becomes synonymous with protesting the government and “protecting the orphan and widow” becomes voting for d…
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Featured image for “Peace with Graham”
February 24, 2018

Peace with Graham

by Scott Culpepper
…vivalist traditions of Charles Finney and D. L. Moody than to the Reformed examples of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. Like most revivalists, Graham chose the big tent and the lowest common denominator in a bid to reach the largest audience possible with the gospel. These choices made it easy to work with people across the theological spectrum. But, they exacted a price. Graham’s influence propagated and reinvigorated a nineteenth century…
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Featured image for “The Reformations and the Genesis of Popular Christian Media”
March 15, 2017

The Reformations and the Genesis of Popular Christian Media

by Scott Culpepper
…f popular Christian media that would have disturbed Luther owe much to his example. At the very least, the freedom to explore diverse perspectives on Scripture and theology free from institutional censure was a value supported by the rise of popular mass media, which Luther also endorsed. One challenge for understanding the rise of popular mass media is deciding how one is going to define the words “popular”, “mass”, and “media”. Popular and mass…
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Featured image for “Rest and Re-Creation”
July 6, 2015

Rest and Re-Creation

by Neal DeRoo
…hanks Mason. I’ll be sure to check that out. And thanks for starting the recommendations on a theology of play. Here’s hoping they keep coming in… Gerry Is prophecy associated with lucid dreaming? I’ve never come across that connection, but it makes sense. Lucid dreaming has always been a pretty common experience for me — often in connection with disturbed short sleep periods actually. It does often seem to produce personal, mostly introspectiv…
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Featured image for “Jonah’s Example”
March 3, 2017

Jonah’s Example

by Brandon Huisman
…sun, pleading with God for death. God answered one more time, showing his compassion, his control of all things, and his grace for those whom he chooses. God showed Jonah that everything he had was a gift, and that he could take it away at any time. I see myself in God’s relationship with Jonah. God speaks, I feign ignorance. God responds, I go in the opposite direction. It seems to take a lot to get through, but God is faithful. How many times h…
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Featured image for “Martin Luther King and the Spirit of Pan-Africanism”
January 21, 2019

Martin Luther King and the Spirit of Pan-Africanism

by Eric Michael Washington
…ican Americans have a deep reservoir to draw from to gain insight into overcoming the oppressor. No movement or its outcome is perfect. King’s sermon should motivate further study of the history of African anti-colonial movements in places like Kenya, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. More so than studying Africa’s history, King is an example of someone who traveled to an African country to witness the unraveling of history. For African Americans, this…
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Featured image for “A Place To Start For (Patriotic) Christians: A Review of <em> How To Be a Patriotic Christian </em>”
July 19, 2022

A Place To Start For (Patriotic) Christians: A Review of How To Be a Patriotic Christian

by Meg Jenista
…f unity, based on shared memories of our collective past and some cultural practices and loyalties we have in common.”1 Mouw suggests that such national sentiment can be found during the National Anthem before the ball game, or at a local gathering of the Cub Scouts. No doubt such expressions and experiences bind us together, but assertions of “shared memories of our collective past” may lead us to ask, “Which memories?” For example, is this colle…
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Featured image for “The Diverse Church”
March 15, 2016

The Diverse Church

by Elizabeth Ann Brown Hardeman
…t wear on their heads, and people who are debating the correct way to take communion. This is the first century church. Statements like, “You can’t be a true follower of Jesus if you aren’t circumcised,” “You can’t come to worship if you don’t cover your head,” and “You can’t fellowship with us if you don’t support Apollos,” were probably thrown around like grenades. Truth be told, it doesn’t sound dramatically different from the twenty-first chur…
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Featured image for “Do You Want to be Healed?”
June 24, 2016

Do You Want to be Healed?

…than any physical ailment (v. 14). Jesus was presenting an opportunity for complete freedom from the bonds of sin. Not recognizing Jesus as a potential healer, the man responds: “Sir, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” In other words, “Yes, I want to be healed, but I cannot. I’ve tried, I have done everything I know how. I want to get in that water; I…
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Featured image for “It is Well”
March 7, 2016

It is Well

by Sarah Roth
…impact those around me—but since working at a senior living facility, I’ve come to know death differently. Although our community has a younger and more active population that results in a lower mortality rate than many similar places in the area, there still is quite enough that the specter of death is never too far out of mind. I know it sounds cliché, but it’s true that each death is unique. I’ve watched one of our residents “rage, rage against…
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Featured image for “Desiring Rightly: A Review of <em>Wanting</em>”
February 1, 2022

Desiring Rightly: A Review of Wanting

by Donald Roth
…ul. We have a responsibility to cultivate rightly-ordered desires, and we have a calling to present models of rightly-ordered desire to others. There is only one desire that can never become competitive because it rests in something truly boundless and infinite, and that is a deeper relationship with our sovereign, personal God. …
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Featured image for “God’s Got This, <em>Part 2</em>”
September 17, 2020

God’s Got This, Part 2

by Nicole Baart
…ds. “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come!’ Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” (Revelation 22:17) The invitation has been issued and our happily-ever-after is assured. For the days we are given in the in-between, may we join the Author in crafting a tale that is overflowing with beauty and hope…yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Come, Lord Jesus….
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Featured image for “Technology At Every Moment”
June 13, 2015

Technology At Every Moment

by Justin Vander Werff
…the communicator and, I suggest, play a role in the trust we place in the communication or even the communicator. Okay, so now that we’ve conducted a more systematic critique of current communication technology, can we answer the question? Does today’s communication technology bring us together? Yes. Does it push us apart? Yes. In the analysis in the preceding paragraphs, we noted that related to the principles of delightful harmony and caring, t…
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Featured image for “Forgive Us”
April 21, 2015

Forgive Us

by Erica Hughes
…of being spoken to for 20 minutes then being asked if I’m Kenyan. Please, come and protect me from the comments— “I didn’t know the niggers work here,” “I just lump all black people together,” And “Come, let’s put them in a closet so that their teeth and eyeballs gleam”— So I won’t be tempted to smoke a blunt just so I can cope with the fact that I have black skin and a vagina. Instead, let my words be a witness to the Son who was brown and who m…
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Featured image for “Telling Truthful Narratives: A Review of “Migrants and Citizens””
August 9, 2018

Telling Truthful Narratives: A Review of “Migrants and Citizens”

by Alberto La Rosa Rojas
…es, which portray most migrants as either impoverished people deserving of compassion or as free-loading lawless individuals deserving of contempt. Rajendra shows that migration is a “complex and multifaceted” phenomenon in which “preexisting relationships between migrants and citizens” are at least equally likely to determine the flows of migration as increasing wealth and liberty (32). Rajendra thus concludes that any account of the just treatme…
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The blog.